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Once upon a time, in the town of hopesville . Their lived many people in harmony and peace. The king of that town was well loved and respected. The town's people loved their king and wanted his only princess to become their next queen. The princess was well loved too. Her beauty was admired throughout the land. Even though nobody ever saw her except the royal employees but her beauty was well-known. The royal employees said that she is the most beautiful person they ever seen even the angels are jealous of her beauty. She was white as milk sea, her skin glowed like the sunlight after rain. Her face was like the angels blessed it with nothing but Pureness.

As the days went by the princess grew up gaining more beauty and love. As she came near the age of twenty five the whole town started preparing for the princess to become their queen. They were all excited to see their beautiful princess that they all heard so much about.

The whole town was lighting candles and lamb and decorated their homes and streets. The king was happy too.

At the day of the ball where king was going to announce his retirement, everyone from the town gathered in palace outside the town away in a high hill. They were all happy to meet their princess for the first time. Some came just to see if she was as heavenly beautiful as everyone says. Some just came to admire her beauty. Everyone was happy and enjoying. The king was about to enter the ball room but suddenly a news came that the king has fallen ill. The town people felt worried for the their king. The castle was closed for that day, but every one waited and prayed for their dieing king outside the place.

After somedays went by no news came. So some people left for their home. But some people stayed. As days went by the some people converted into few. Untill only twenty people were left waiting outside the castle a guard came and gave the sad news that after being ill for days their beloved king has died.

Teh flag on the top of the castle came down and a black flag was hoisted. A two years long mourning period was declared. The princess was said to take the throne. Only after two years.

In this two years no one saw the princess. Even the royal employees. Those who were apprentice of the princess were fired. Only one maid was left in teh service of teh princess. The royal employees said that the princess had locked herself inside her room.

In that two years of time period the town was covered with black clouds. The twon never saw direct sunlight. It was always dark outside. This caused the crops to go bad. The fields went burban. The wells dried up. There was clouds on the sky but not a drop of rain. The town was in caos. Those who leave left the town. Those who can't stayed and waited for the princess to do something.

As days went by young girls started going missing. They all were last seen near the castle. Rumours started spreading that teh princess was cursed or she was a witch, that drank young girl's blood. All royal employees were one by one fired or resigned.

Oneday a young nineteen year old girl was wondering around the castle. Then she went missing for two days. When she came back she was distorted and only said ..." She is a vampire! She is a vampire! She drank my blood!" And showed a mark on her arm. Which looked like two teeth marks.

After two days of this insident a guard came bearing a massage.

Dear town people,

A girl has escaped from my care. If she isn't returned to me by sunset the twon will go to ruins. I will destroy everything. But if she is returned to me by you then I will be pleased and grant you all some sunlight....!

Your princess freen sarocha.

After discussing a lot the town people send that girl back to the castle and as she promised the Black clouds covering the town were gone.

After fifty years the clouds came back. Teh town was under black clouds for a month. So this time on the night of full moon the town's people send a pure nineteen years old girl to the castle. Next day the clouds were gone.

After that every fifty year the black clouds covers the sky for more then two years the town's people knows that  it is the time to send another pure girl to the castle for her to never return.


"As hundred and hundred years passed by this incident became a tradition. A tradition that every girl in the town is afraid of. They all wanna turn twenty as soon as possible."

" So mom do I also have to turn twenty as soon as possible? I am eight now...! So I will be nineteen in eleven years. How many years it has been since the last girl went to the castle?" A sweet girl laying on her mother's lap asked her mother. That girl is the most beautiful and purest form of human being. Her eyes being brown that glows and turns golden in sunlight. The face of a goddes and cheeks like apple blossoms. Face as bright as sunshine.Curly black hair complicating her looks overall.

The mother hugs her little daughter."becky! My darling... You don't have to worry about it. The last girl that went to the castle was  --- thirty nine  years ago,....." She stopped saying when she counted the years. Her head felt dizzy and eyes watery as she looked into the most innocent and purest eyes of her little daughter. She started sweating and  shaking with the fear for her daughter's life....

That Little girl grew up with beauty and elegance. In this modern time she was more into reading books or studying law. So her parents send her to bankok for higher studies in law. And to send her as far away as they could. Her parents were very peaceful knowing that their girl was far away form this cursed town and she won't be back until when she is twenty one becoming a well established lawyer. They were happy that she is away.


Now she was nineteen and away from hopesville. But the town isn't in good health as soon as fifty years completed the dark black clouds reappeared. All the nineteen years old girl and their parents were worried as the town's people started discussing who they should send this time.


" Nope! I am going home. To celebrate my birthday. I'll be nineteen now." She excitedly called and boarded a train that was headed for hopesville....

What happened next?

Do she really goes back to hopesville?

Will she be chosen ?

What will happen with her?


New story...

Just a draft an idea. I was reading somee vampire stories and it came into my mind. it's still an idea so lots of mistakes are expected.( I am sorry for that)

So let me know if you will like to read a story like this. I won't give any spoilers. Because there isn't enough story written. I am still trying to develop the characters and plot. But it's just a prologue to what you might expect from the story.

I am not sure..... But I can promise....

You can except

Some love, romance, action, thrill, a bit scary and dark. A bit funny and a lots of 🔞

Don't just read for that.

And happy ending may be....

So let me know your honest opinion.... comment your thoughts, suggestions or advice.


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