Part 2- Getting heated

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Boss POV:
As she walks out of the office i kick myself, how could i just let her walk out like that, i can't just let someone work here without even knowing if she's any good at her job? Oh well i still feel bad about her blouse, well about what it did to her, not what it did to her top, she has a nice pair. Wait. No. I have to be professional, this is a working environment,  besides i don't even know if she's single or not yet.

(Time skip)
I walk into my office and i see Y/n sat there reading around the posters in my room. She says "So, boss what can i do for you?" "Boss? that's far too formal" i say, "just call me Jacob" i gesture to the 10 year award my company won last year with my name plastered all over it "Jacob Elordi, 10x consecutive winner" it reads and i'm very proud.

Y/n POV:
He beams and seems very proud of himself, kind of cute i think and Jacob Elordi is a cute name, i like that last name especially, Y/n Elordi... that sounds pretty good it could work quite well! I snap out of my day-dreaming to see him looking at me directly in the eyes, i blink twice and try to cut eye contact but he's still staring, "So what is there for me to do?" i ask and he starts to say about how i can fill in some files for him and run errands.

Then, he says, "I have a plus one invite to this special work-do, do you fancy joining me? you know so to like break the ice?" A date? already? Man he must want me for sure. I blush for a second and see him patiently waiting for an answer and i say "Yes sounds perfect? what time?" And then he says "Oh i'll just text you, what's your number?" As i give him my number i chuckle in my head, he's dropping game already, surely he would want my work number not my actual number right? or am i just delusional?

Jacobs POV:
Maybe it was too soon to invite her, but since i first saw Y/n i couldn't get her out of my head, besides i wonder what she looks like in a tight dress... oh i can't wait.

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