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|Dani's POV|

"Dude!" Sabina demands as we gather different things from La Push to gather some Lupine, it's this type of plant that both humans and witches use. Violet wants us to get as much lupine as we can. She gave us these baskets with ten jars each spelled to carry about thirty pounds. Plus it gives me a chance to work on my powers. We were minding our own business when Jacob appears "What the fuck?"

"A couple weeks" Jacob demands "nothing and now your picking flowers?!" Looking my way snarling "and what is your leech loving ass doing here, your not welcome on La Push"

"He's talking about Bella" looking his way "and don't worry, I'm just here getting something for a fried" I then noice a naked Paul, Paul runs over towards me "what do you" he kisses me out of the blue, I try to shove him off but his grip tightens pushing me to the ground having me panic he only pulls away when we hear a gunshot.

Sabina has her gun out and is holding it towards Paul "Remove yourself from Danika this instant"

"Bella" Jacob tried to take the gun away but she shoots him in the leg having him scream.

"Oh Jacob" Sabina pouts her lips "don't you remember? Bella has a twin sister"

I punch Paul hard in the face but we hear a sickening crack, I may be half vampire but I'm still human and I haven't drank blood in a few months. "Ah!" Grabbing my wrist as Paul shakes in anger as I crawl away pulling out my phone as Paul shifts and claws my leg before I dialed Felix's number. Sabina shoots Paul's huge dark silver wolf form. "Danika!" Someone yells but I'm grabbing my injured limb.

"You bastard!" Sabina screams and shoots him again and was about to kill him when the other wolves come over.

"Stop!" Sam pleads as Sabina is by my side pressing a cloth to my leg "Paul just wanted to talk to you Danika"

"Oh really?" Demanding from him "I don't want him, he means nothing to me. Just now if Sabina hadn't pulled out her gun who knows what he would have done and you probably would have let him"

"Maybe if you gave him a chance" Jacob growls "you'd see he's a better option than that murderous vampire"

"I'll take a murderous vampire over a wolf rapist any day" looking over, we see Demetri and Felix here. Felix is instantly by my side as the wolves shift but Davina shoots them in the chest. They fall down shifting back whimpering.

"What happened?" Felix demands, his eyes black. My leg is wrapped up now but my hand is still swollen and purple.

Pointing to Paul who is looking at us enraged "I'm pretty sure he wanted to rape me"

"Demetri" Felix orders "take the girls back to the Cullens, now"

"You heard him Demetri" hearing a familiar female voice, looking over Calanthe is here with her mate Everett who are both pissed off "Sabina go with them" Sabina grabs my phone as Demetri picks me up and runs me to the truck then brings Sabina as we head screaming.

"Is Felix killing the wolf?" Sabina asks

"Yes" Demetri drives us away "your healing?"

"I haven't drunk human blood in a few months" shaking my head "so my slowing is like a bit better than human's"

"Drink my blood" Sabina offers

Shaking our heads no "we can't let the Cullens know" Demetri says "don't worry, I know how to stitch up wounds"

At the Cullens, I'm brought inside and Violet gasps "I should have come with" she is by my side as Demetri gets some stuff to stitch up the wound.

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