Remnants of the Great War [8]

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Remnants of the Great War Arc [8]

Chapter 17 : Ancient Weapon


Kanto Region - Saffron City

Ash stood motionless, not even registering the few thin bolts of electricity zapping between different parts of his body. Pikachu was glaring at Corviknight and seemed to be using every ounce of willpower in his tiny body to keep himself from attacking. Only the sight of his trainer alive and well despite such a monstrous attack kept him at bay.

Platebearer. The word whistled through Ash's mind like the wind. The Plate didn't disappear in the cave in... I have it...within me. He clutched at his shirt, but his body felt perfectly normal.

"Based on your reaction, it seems clear you had no idea you were a Platebearer," Albrecht continued after giving Ash a minute to process what had happened. "I apologize for using such an uncouth method, but seeing is believing. But before we continue, if you would please call off your Pikachu, he looks like he wants to fry Corviknight."

Ash glanced over at his partner, then at the Corviknight that'd done the damage. "Stand down, Pikachu," he muttered.

Albrecht walked up to Ash until he was right in front of him. He was a little less than a head taller.

"Come with me, Ash," he said, and Ash could hear the pleading in his voice. "I have extensive knowledge of the Plates and resources to help you learn about your power. There is still more I have to tell you, but I cannot do it here. Not unless you accept my offer." He held out his hand.

Despite the whirlwind in his brain, Ash somehow put his thoughts to the side to focus on what Albrecht was saying. His breathing was slow and deliberate, and he barely noticed Pikachu climb back onto his head, putting himself between Ash and Albrecht in his own sort of way.

"How did you know I was a Platebearer?" Ash asked in a low voice.

Albrecht raised his hand slowly. The air beside Albrecht warbled, and a blue sheen flashed over a formerly concealed form. Lucario's eyes swiveled in their sockets before landing on Ash.

"Lucario sensed your power the moment you landed in Saffron. I almost ended the party there and then, unsure of who had just descended upon the city, until I realized it was you."

The jackal crossed its arms, and the appendages on its head wafted behind it. Power radiated off its skin like heat, and Ash sized it up as its oppressive warmth passed over his body.

"He's been with us the whole time?" Ash asked.

"I am the World Champion. I can't walk around defenselessly. Unlike you, I don't have any pokémon like Pikachu who are small enough to remain on my person at all times." He smiled, but that only seemed to make Pikachu even more wary of him.

Ash remained deep in thought, glancing over at the others in the room, the decimation at his feet, and his own hands periodically.

"My clothes...are fine?"

"The Plate rests within you, and it protects all that you consider, well, you. I suppose Arceus' pride wouldn't allow the bearers of his soul to be stripped naked in the course of battle so easily." He smirked, his silver hair casting an amused shadow over his face.

With the tension slightly eased, Ash gave his response.

"Thank you for the offer, Albrecht, but I have somewhere else to be. Thank you for everything, truly. I'm not sure when I would have discovered this power within me if not for you, and I know you took a risk telling me all of this. I promise I'll keep this information to myself."

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