Remnants of the Great War [42]

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Remnants of the Great War Arc [42]

Chapter 51 : Aaron's Gift


Kalos Region - Beneath Geosenge Town

"You're late," the man with carmine hair said.

"Sorry, I had other work to take care of. I'm sure you can understand," came the smooth voice of a woman who didn't sound apologetic in the slightest.

"You're the Champion of this region. There should be no reason why I arrived before you did."

Diantha Carnet smiled, her lavender eyeshadow glittering even in the darkness. "I already apologized. Plus, I doubt even the distance from Kanto would slow a man like you."

"I just know how to be punctual," Dragon Master Lance said, crossing his arms. "I don't know what you were doing that you thought was more important than getting here in a timely manner."

"Kalos is in chaos right now," Diantha shrugged. "I have appearances to make. Rota is barely outside your jurisdiction. I'm surprised you have the time to slip away."

Lance ignored her and took a step forward, his cape brushing over the ground. "Enough. You know why we're here?"

"Hmmm, I do. Rather, I know the what. The why, I'm still a little hazy on."

"Does it matter?"

"Sort of. Isn't it the International Police's job to handle things like this?"

Lance turned and glared at her, though if it bothered Diantha in the slightest, she didn't show it. Her white coat and slacks gleamed even in the gloom, and she wore her face like a radiant mask.

"I'm just kidding, of course," Diantha eventually said, slicing through the tension, and she stepped up beside Lance. "Though I do feel a bit sorry for them. There'll be an uproar when they realize this thing has slipped between their fingers."

"Has anyone ever told you you talk too much?"

"No. I usually don't. I'm only doing so now because it seems to displease you."

Lance narrowed his eyes at her. "You're an unpleasant woman."

"Such a shame you're stuck with me," she said. Then, the mirth vanished from her face. "On a serious note though, I have to wonder why someone like you was chosen for this task. I mean, my inclusion is obvious, but why you?"

"Because I'm loyal," Lance answered immediately.

Diantha's eyes tightened like a cat's. "You truly have the pride of a dragon."

"Thank you."

"That...wasn't supposed to be a compliment."

A silence dawned between them and neither moved for nearly a minute.

"I sense I didn't steer the conversation in the direction you wanted me to," Lance drawled. "Out with it then. What other inane blather do you have for me before we begin?"

"If we're talking about who's qualified for this task, I have to wonder why Cynthia wasn't chosen," Diantha said, not rising to the insult. "She's more than capable... More so even than you, one could argue." She glanced over to gauge Lance's reaction.

But the dragon master was similarly unflappable. "I doubt it. But then again, we've never had a serious bout."

"There are forms of strength that manifest in places other than the battlefield. For one, she sank her claws into the former World Champion quite swiftly, didn't she? Or, I suppose, former, former World Champion now."

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