Remnants of the Great War [9]

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Remnants of the Great War Arc [9]

Chapter 18 : Warpath


Northeast Sinnoh - International Police Black Site

Steven Stone exhaled into his palms and shivered. Despite being so close to an active volcano, the nights outside Stark Mountain were freezing. The black basalt that made up the mountain's exterior was thick, and insulated the volcano's heat within itself. However, that didn't stop the unceasing drizzle of ash that blanketed the entire area in a dull gray mist.

Away from the light pollution of the cities and towns on mainland Sinnoh, a mirage of stars glistened in the heavens above, and Steven took a moment to appreciate the sight. Of course, he was here on business, but that didn't mean he couldn't enjoy this assignment for what it was.

Unlike most of the others here, he knew about AZ's breakout from the World Prison. He'd gotten briefed along with all the other Champions, and they'd since been dispersed across the world to oversee the protection of various places of interest, until the monster could be contained.

Of course, first, he'd have to be located. Something Cynthia was apparently working on.

He shook his head and breathed into his hands again. Really, this should've been her out here in the cold, this was her region after all. The new World Champion had just held a celebration for himself, and to Steven's chagrin, he had to decline the invitation in order to be here. Yet somehow Cynthia had found the time to have a drink in Saffron.

AZ is supposed to be in Kalos somewhere, did you forget?

Unfortunately, Cynthia seemed to be like all the rest. She used her Championship title to pursue her own lavish lifestyle. Steven was no different, but at least he had the courtesy to make appearances where he was expected to.

More the fool he was, perhaps, for stubbornly sticking to his inflated sense of responsibility. He knew for a fact Lance probably just sent a few of his elite trainers to deal with his assignment. Same for Diantha. Unova and Galar's Champions were so young he wasn't even sure they'd been given assignments.

Steven turned away from his cliff of observation and buried his hands in his coat's pockets. Ah, well. Complaining never does anyone any good. This world has never been fair.

Steven knew that more than anyone. He'd been born with a silver spoon in his mouth, as the heir to the Devon Corporation. For years, he'd been groomed for his pokémon journey, and when he finally set out, the media watched his every move as if they were making a reality show. Later, he found out that's exactly what his family had paid them to do. By the time he earned his eighth badge, his Championship was practically a given. It was only thanks to his depthless charisma and handsome visage that every trainer in Hoenn didn't take up arms against what was, in essence, a completely rigged conference season for the year.

As he paced along the cold grass back toward the mountainside facility, his mind emptied of all his many worries. He'd been patrolling this base for nearly a month, and the monster had never once shown himself. Once this week was over, he'd be free of this wretched duty to return to Hoenn and continue his equally mundane duties over there.

Champion life wasn't all it was cracked up to be, but Steven was an adult. Life wasn't all it was cracked up to be, but he enjoyed it for what it was, mundane or otherwise. Perhaps that was the Stone in him. A boring world meant a peaceful world, and that was what the Devon Corporation strived for every day.

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