Remnants of the Great War [17]

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Remnants of the Great War Arc [17]

Chapter 26 : Cloak and Dagger


Caleb watched as men moved around him, but he was beginning to tune them out, sight and sound, like frost creeping across a window in winter. He was back in Kalos. This was Shalour, he was pretty sure? He'd never been here, but the looming tower of white granite and red tile outside certainly looked like the Tower of Mastery he'd heard about. It was night, but away from the oppressive lights of Lumiose, stars glittered in the sky like gems on a bed of soft black velvet.

He'd woken up in a plastic chair up against the wall in some sort of office space. The desks and cubicles looked barren, but men were carrying boxes and talking in hushed voices when he'd come to. They ignored him, and it was clear he'd been put where he was so he wouldn't get in the way.

Instinctively, his hand drifted to his belt. Thankfully, all six of his pokémon were still there, and he breathed a sigh of relief. No matter what happened, as long as he had his pokémon, he could do anything. Without them, he was nothing.

His oldest memory worth remembering was of Lord Vandrick. For years, he'd survived in the allies of Lumiose, eating trash, which itself had been hard won due to the legion of Rattata who were in competition with him for it. But one day, in the dumping rain, on a day when his stomach was even more barren than usual, Lord Vandrick appeared. At first, he thought he was hallucinating. After all, why would anyone ever lower themselves into his domain of garbage, much less a man dressed as extravagantly he was? Then Caleb thought it must've been a mistake. This rich fellow just took a wrong turn, but when he saw Caleb, he'd pinch his nose and turn right around. Surely. But Lord Vandrick walked toward him, without an umbrella. Then Caleb thought he must've been invisible. He doesn't see me. He's just walking in my direction. He'll walk past me without a second glance.

But Lord Vandrick strode right up to him, and stopped, then knelt down and looked him in his eyes. For the very first time in his life, someone saw him. These were not the beady eyes of some feral rat, or the empty gaze of some other abandoned child who'd peered down his alley, only to see that this one was already taken. This man, this real person from the real world, had recognized his existence.

All Lord Vandrick did was extend his hand. No, first, he pulled off his glove. Words were not needed, though Caleb couldn't speak anyway. And overnight, Caleb had become Caleb.

Lord Vandrick clothed him, fed him, and educated him, and when he was ten, he presented him with three pokéballs, and a choice. Chespin, Fennekin, or Froakie.

It'd been years since he'd lived on the streets, but a fire-type would ensure he'd never go to sleep shivering for the rest of his life.

And so he set out as any other ten year old would. But Lord Vandrick expected much. And after coming under his wing, Caleb had seen other children fail to meet Lord Vandrick's expectations. He never saw them again. So Caleb made sure he'd be so good Lord Vandrick would never even consider getting rid of him. A miracle had already happened. He would guard it with his life. The life he'd been given. No matter what was asked of him. He would not let Lord Vandrick down.


The young man raised his head and saw his master standing before him. Their eyes met, and Caleb knew that Lord Vandrick knew he'd lost. His gaze felt like a slash across the face.

Caleb jumped out of his chair and bowed down to a ninety degree angle. "Master..."

"Tell me what happened. I'll hear it straight from you," he said quietly.

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