10 | killing Jeremy

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Whole area was surrounded by darkness and silence no moon no street light no house no street dogs to bark no chance of people living there in the outcast of Seoul city Just sound of running shoes and one walking shoes which were clicking on the ground mockingly on the.

"Come on...... Come out"someone said in deeply octaves low tone which can shiver to anyone whoever will listen to that voice.

Jungkook look around creepily the whole area smirking like some maniac while playing with his black pistol which is specially designed by gold for him he spin it by it's trigger.

He smirk when he saw someone's shadow shivering he walk there and stand beside it silently " Caught you Jeremy"
He darkly said staring down at the shivering body with creepy smirk on his handsome face Jeremy eyes widened as his eyes made contact with those raging eyes. He couldn't believe on his eyes that this is the same jungkook with whom he used to play with and who was innocent back then now he look like some kind maniac who will kill everyone without any mercy.

"Let's go We have to finish some business. Right dear brother Or I can say rapist"the jungkook said in his octaves low deep rough voice while dragging Jeremy by his hair Who screams in pain
but no one was there to hear him because it was one of farthest corner of Seoul where no one comes not even police Because a beast rule her. The same beast who is like soft like rose petals for the one he loves but dangerous than any storm for the one who eenters into his red list and now this bastard has entered into his red list and no one can save him... not even god.

"Ju-Junkook leave me please I'll do something like that again. Please "sam plead but who is he kidding He had awakened the deadly beast.

" Of course I'll leave you "
Jungkook said creepy with something unknown in his tone.

Jeremy sigh in relief that jungkook will leave him but by seeing jungkook different aura he, himself burst into tears. Jungkook forcefully throw him inside of the car and himself sat on the driver's seat and start driving towards his own hell.
Whole car ride just filled with Jeremy cries and pleads and Jungkook smirking creepily already Thinking how to kill this bitch in a painful manner Who dare to touch his possession His love, his jann, his wife.


" AHHHH!!!!!leave me please
Ju-jungkook!!!!!please stop "
Jeremy was screaming in pain because jk was pulling out his fingernail one by one smiling But not in a friendly way cause it was that kind of smile from which our mom tells to run way immediately whenever we see it Red signal.

" Leave you?Why so that you can touch my wife again batard!!".jk said wiping his his hands with wet tissues after that looking for another tool after seeing that Jeremy eyes widened like soccer.

" No Please you'd done enough!!!!no more "jeremy crawls backwards joining his hand while crying after seeing his state Jungkook just smile.

" It's just the beginning bitch you will see what happened to those who dare to see my wife and you dares to touch more importantly forced him and put blame on my love. How can I leave you "Jungkook whisper and cut his both hands with an axe without any mercy.

" AHHHHH~~~~~ mom!!!!!! "

" You love to play with others life right?How about I play with yours instead! don't moan my people will get wrong idea about us you know what i mean right as you have done masters in this field"saying that Jungkook pick up dagger and cut Jeremy's dick
without any mercy blood splash over him and Jeremy he disgusting spit wipes the blood with some cloth.

" Beat him with throne whipe And throw as much salt you want and throw boil water also. And if he dies then bury him somewhere or give him to some wild animals, got it ".jk said rudely smirking at the half conscious Jeremy lastly spitting on his face he went from there. after that only screams of Jeremy and whipe sound echoes throughout the area.


" Jaan see what I have to do for you Hmmmm "Jungkook whisper near taehyung ear who was sleeping more like due to the effect of medicine which Jungkook gave him sneakily in apple juice.taehyung is sleeping on his stomach cheeks squeezed on the soft pillow. Jungkook head was on top of taehyung shoulder and hand inside his tshirt caressing his soft milky tummy softly.

"No one can disrespect my wife not when I'm still alive "

Few minutes later his eyes twitch in something " You said that you don't love me right? then how I will occupy your this mind in that way that you will only think about me.Only me not your that pathetic Min. Just wait jaan "Jungkook whisper last sentence thinking about something and Hugged taehyung tightly hiding his face in taehyung nape.

"I love you jaan "


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