17 | Honeymoon planing

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"WHAT!!!!" Jk shout in pure anger in the phone at the person on other side.

"How can you be such an idiot!I ordered you to keep close eye on at that bastard!pray for your life useless shit if he comes here I'll bury you alive and I mean it. Stop stuttering and go find that son of a bitch!I want positive answer!"
jk roared through the phone mingyu scared shitless and cut the call.

He look down at garden from balcony and found taehyung watering the plants while swaying his hips with the song He is listening in the eardpods
He clicked his tongue on his inner cheeks something he does when He is angry or annoyed. Right now he is angry at the fact that someone else will also see his wife dancing so sensually which is only his thing to do.

Shoving phone inside his pocket he walk away from the balcony and then out of thier room.

When he came downstairs he saw servants doing thier work. No one was looking out at his wife he smirk as he knows they're afraid of wrath.

He called one of the maids keeping his hands inside of the pocket.

She come leaving her work which is cleaning floor and wall.

'Yes sir'
She bowing and keeping her head low because jungkook warned everyone that no one is allowed to see him or his wife.

'Prepare warm bath and cook something delicious, your mam favorite and tell them to go home after completing thier work I don't want any of you to be found here inside the house after I come from outside, got it!'

He said sternly, she nod and go back to her work after getting jungkook permission.

Jungkook also walk in garden direction.

Reaching garden he saw his wife still busy in his own world while dancing. He stood there keeping his hand in pocket and admire his wife with soft smile on his face. He doesn't want to interrupt taehyung and loose his opportunity to listen that melodies giggles and carefree self of his wife.

After thirty minutes he decided to interrupt as he also wants his wife attention.he shout taehyung name while walking without noticing the mud in his path.


He couldn't able complete his word as slip when he put his foot on the mud and fell backwards on his back and hissed sound left his mouth at the pain in his back.

Taehyung who was dancing come out of his la la Land when he heard thud sound coming from behind him. He pull out earpods from his ear and turn around and immediately laugh left his mouth as he spotted a muddy jungkook with an annoyed expression on his face.

He isn't making fun of jungkook or trying to mock him it's just he saw jungkook like this for the first time instead of his bossy nature.

Jungkook stare at taehyung with so done face, his lips formed in an adorable small pout as he tried to get rid off the mud.

'If you're done laughing at your poor husband then can you please help him now Mrs jeon'

Jungkook said in done tone taehyung stopped laughing but instead of helping him he gave jungkook naughty smirk and picked up the long forgotten water pipe and point it towards jungkook who's eyes widened at his wife's naughtiness.

'Nooooo, jeon taehyung don't do it baby hubby will get all wet love'

Jungkook said lovingly but taehyung just shook his head in no and press his finger on the entrance of pipe splashing cold water on jungkook who just sit there lletting his wife do whatever he wants do, but in bed he'll take his revenge by fucking him till sun rises.

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