13 | feisty Mrs. jeon

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After Completing his all his hospital related work Taehyung is standing outside of the hospital main gate waiting for jungkook because he messaged him to wait he's coming after completing his some important work him.

It's been 5min since he us standing in front hospital gate waiting for jungkook.it's already past mid night streets were lonely, no human can be seen, street lights were only source of light as it was dark night, street dogs were barking occasionally
It was looking scary to stand there alone. Sighing he take out his phone from pocket and on it to see jungkook call or message he didn't find anything, he was about to off it but something caught his eyes, the homepage wallpaper, it was him and jimin smiling, for some reason he didn't like it, so he removed it and put jungkook and his wedding pictures and soon soft smile spread over his face as he carresss jungkook face on pic.

He was in his own world when he heard whistle and whispers from a little distance.he raise his head and glance at the direction from where sound was coming he didn't look fully just give side glance he saw four or five boys not adult but some teenager were Checking out him from head to toe with lust in their eyes he scoffed internally.
"𝘒𝘪𝘥𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘳𝘴" He think in his mind take out his phone and iPods and scroll through his phone ignoring them.after few minutes later he sense them coming closer towards him with nasty comments and whistles.

" Ohhh~~~bro see what we have here today. Hiii sweetheart Wanna have some fun with us"
One of them said sultry standing infront of taehyung other also stand surrounding taehyung.

Taehyung tsk "so, this is your manners little chicks. I think you also ask your mom to have some fun tonight right bitch" Taehyung said smirking at the boy who fumes in anger other boys gasp hearing that.

"YOU!!!!! " First boy shout angrily and launch forward to give taehyung punch who backed away dodging the punch adding more fuel.

"Learn punching before coming to me " Taehyung said sarcastically rolling his eyes first boy gritt his teeth in anger and gesture something to his partners who nod in approval.

Two boys hold taehyung from behind, one hold his leg and fourth one was in front of him ready to take his revenge.

"Now I'll show you my punch power s**t"
Taehyung eyes turn red in anger after hearing that particular name.

"This shows how of a big coward you're bastard" Taehyung smirk and spit blood out when that boy punched him hard on his jaw, that boy was brimming in proud.

"Just this? " Taehyung asked chuckling, that boy gave him confused face like man he gave that much hard punch on his soft glassy skin and here he's saying it was nothing and is fucking smiling.

"Let me show you what a real punch feels like"
Saying that taehyung kick hard on the boy's face who was holding legs and kick on main parts of the two boys who were holding him.

Two of them groans while holding their pride, third one was also groaning in pain because of the wound on his nose probably broken. Taehyung smirk and crakes his neck and knuckles while fourth boy gulp in fear when he saw his friends in pain and taehyung power.

"Come little boy " Forth boy was about to run but taehyung yank him back by holding his hoodie and turn him and give hard two punches on his face breaking nose and teeth in the process.

"How was the punch little bitch? Want more ha ha" Taehyung laugh at the scared face of the male.

"What did you think that I'm some weakling huh? You thought you can do anything to me Or other people ? Let me ask you a question did you slept with your mother or sister? They're your family and pride then what are these people whom you harasses? Are they not someone pride or family? "
Taehyung give each of them tight slap as an elder.

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