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Taekook were in car, driving by jungkook.... They were going back to thier villa after outing. Tae was looking outside feeling soft wind pass through him making his long hair flow , jk one hand was on tae thigh caressing it softly while his other was busy in driving.

"Kook " Tae call, when saw jungkook going opposite side of thier villa, kook humm still busy in driving.

"Where are we going??villa is in that direction!! " Tae ask confused, jungkook just give him tender smile caressing his hands which was on his thigh.

"Surprise love " Jungkook tells softly turning left.... Tae kept quite because he know jk will not tell him.


2 hours later.......

"How muc-----" Tae cutt himself when he saw large metal gate opened by guards but that was not which surprised him.... It was the villa... The same villa he saw yesterday in the way of returning back from the lake.

"Huh!! " His eyes slightly widen, lips apart looking at the villa, it was really very beautiful villa. Jk just smile going out when guard open his side door.... He goes other side and dismissed the guard who was about to open Tae door.... He himself opened it.

"Come out love " Jk mumble softly, forwarding his hands towards Tae, who gladly hold it coming out.

"Did you like it?? " Jk ask holding Tae waist, who was busy looking at the exterior of the villa..... Tae look at jungkook his face showed pure surprise.

"I loved it kook. But why you bought it?? " Tae ask, what he wanted to ask since the start... Jk smile backhugging him placing his chin on tae shoulder swinging them his hands are on tae waist.

"Because my life liked it!!! And if my life love to take my life then I will gladly give him that.... And this villa is like a small atom to me jaan " Jk said in his deep, husky voice nosing tae neck... His voice filled with his immense love,his obsession but tae couldn't read it.

"You are unbelievable!!!! Oh my god "
Tae exclaimed side eyeing his husband who chuckle.... Gosh his deep chuckle do something with Tae everytime. But he made his mind to tell anything before thinking 200000times . His husband surely love him beyond limit.

Both go inside. Maid give them tour of the whole villa. Villa was really nice inside and out..... Later jungkook got busy in his call from office and Tae he was busy seeing beautiful scenery outside his room glass door.


Tae was talking to his college friends in his phone near glass door of thier bedroom laughing, his cheeks were red due to the teasing by his friends..... He was so busy in talk that he didn't saw his husband dark eyes on him.

"Whom were you talking to?? " Jungkook dark voice boomed inside the silent room startling Tae whose eyes widen and his phone was about to fall due to his husband sudden interruption.

"Huh?? " Tae was shocked to seeing jungkook blank face, hands in his pockets boring hole in his head......

"I asked whom were you talking to??? " Jk asked again, he fist were balled inside his trousers pocket.... His inner self was burning seeing taehyung smiling and blushing cause of someone not by him. He can't accept that.

"Ah.... I--I was talking to some of my college friends kook. " Tae answered looking down, he can't see his husband blank face... Gosh it's scary.

"Ohhh.... Then why your cheeks are red??? " Jk again asked making his way towards Tae nervous figure..... Holding his waist taking him off guard.

"Ahmm..... They were teasing me that's why!!! " Tae said with difficulties because his husband was busy painting his neck roaming his hands all over his back........ Jungkook just hummm... Because he guessed in what topic they were teasing him..... So he continue his work that is painting his own canvas.

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