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Taehyung look at the scene unfolding in front of him with wide shocked eyes and mouth parted a bit....

He run towards his husband, who was being chocked at the moment.....

Hearing his name jungkook and the one chocking him look at the direction from where voice coming come.
Two of them looked shocked or not only one of them ?

"Jimin, leave him!!! Why are you chocking my husband!!?? "
Taehyung shout, trying to free jungkook from the iron grip of jimin around his neck or is it really?

"No, I will not leave him today!!"
Jimin equally shout angrily, yanking taehyung hands.... Taehyung stumbled a little but regain his posture.....he again hold jimin hands looking at jungkook's red face gasping for air.....

"Jimin leave him right now!! He is lacking oxygen!!! "
Tae yell try to remove jimin with more force.... His throbbing head was not helping at all in this situation.

Both were so into killing and rescuing that they didn't see.... Jk mumbling something in the earpiece smirking slightly acting like he is being chocked but in reality he is just playing victim role because jimin doesn't have that much power to beat his muscular figure by little hands .

Soon, whole place become dark and Projector on itself started displaying photographs taking jimin and taehyung attention.......
Jimin shockingly loose his hold around jungkook, he look towards taehyung who was already looking at him with disappointment, shock, hate..... All despising emotions were displayed in taehyung blue orbs.... But one person was looking at everything grinning that no one noticed.

"J-jimin, what is it!? "
Tae ask shocked..... Looking at the photographs.......

"T-taehyung,, it's not what it looks like!!"
Jimin tried to go to taehyung leaving jk neck fully.... Who first gasp for air........

"Then ? Am I looking blind to you!!??? Tell nhh, what it looks like jimin!!!! "
Tae shout angrily....seeing Taehyung this much angry jungkook grin that's what he wanted from, hatred towards jimin and that much hatred,
That Taehyung will only listen to him only him not anyone else, not even jimin.
Time to show his Oscar level acting.

"T-tae" He cough taking Taehyung attention, who look at him scared but that's not what he want, he want Taehyung to despice jimin . He have to do something fast before Taehyung trap himself in guilt trap.

"Tae, this man send all these photos of him and your, also some nudes baby!!! " He sadly mutter eyes having little tear going towards shocked Taehyung, he again continued with more sad voice "he called you characterless!!! He told me that you slept with many people, just for your pleasure!!! " He look up. He saw finally got what he wanted in Taehyung eyes, hatred and anger... Maybe little bit but still.
He stand in front of Taehyung cupping his face in his big palms looking in his eyes softly kissing his forehead, he back away and again see in Taehyung "I didn't listen to him baby. He call me with unknown number but today morning he again send me video....... " He look like debating on whether tell Taehyung the reason or not but inside there in his mind Devillise jungkook is grinning hard.
Poor Vmin don't know that main villain of thier story oops only jimin love story villain is right in front of him.... Who be consider innocent.

"What kook!!! ?? What was the video about!!?? "
Tae ask desperately holding jk hand in his looking at him in pleading way.......

"I can't tell you that baby!!! It's not something you should listen or see!! "
Jungkook muttered looking at Taehyung with those eyes like he is ashamed of something making Taehyung breathe hitch but he didn't see how jungkook signal secretly with his finger still holding Taehyung face in his palms.

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