Chapter 9 - Shocks

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Chapter Song Rec: Unforgettable by Swae Lee and French Montana


Hobie's POV


"Turn left here."

Hobie obliged, crawling to the left and looking through the vent opening that was situated below him. Kicking it open, he swung out and onto the floor with a quiet thud, careful not to alert any of the many security officers that would be guarding the room and the rest of the facility.

It was 2 in the morning and Hobie was following directions that you'd quickly devised only 25 minutes ago, a route scrawled out on a the blueprints of the facility that he'd left behind with you, along with a small earpiece. Not wanting you to feel left out, he'd assigned you the job of directing him inside the facility, telling him where to turn and what to press.

The actual plan? Surprisingly, that was the easiest part. If you simplified it, it was basically the same thing Hobie was going to do from the beginning. Get in, get out. All he had to do was hop into the testing lab, look around for a little while, and walk right out. No one would notice.

And for such a stupid plan, he was doing pretty well.

He tapped the earpiece to turn his microphone on, slowly taking in his surroundings. "I think I'm in the lab."

"What do you see?" he heard your voice on the other end.

"...Not much."

The lab was basically empty, with a large computer on a clean desk in the corner, a couple of lab coats on racks near the door, and a giant, empty tank right in the middle, locked by a keypad. "Y'sure this is the right place?"

"Positive. It says testing lab on the blueprints."

"Hmm." He hummed under his breath as he walked towards the desk, clicking some keys on the keyboard to see if it would turn on. Nothing. He groaned under his breath, smacking the computer on the side before trying again. It was dead.


"See anything yet?"

"'s like the place is abandoned." It was only then when Hobie began to notice the thin layer of dust coating the walls and the devices, making the room seem as though no one had been in there in months. He tried to turn on the lights, but they weren't working either. The room was only illuminated by the bright white bulb in the middle of the ceiling of the clear tank.

"Well, there's this weird...cage thing." He said quietly.

"Cage thing?"

"Well, not like a cage. It's like a glass tank? Sort of?" He inched towards it, as if expecting something to jump out at him. He peered inside. There was nothing there.

But for some reason, his spider-sense was going off. He felt goosebumps prickling his skin, the hairs on the back of his neck rising up and his head feeling a little dizzy. There must be something there...why else would his senses be alerting him?

"I'm gettin' a weird feeling from this place."

"Then leave." you said quickly. "Maybe the blueprints are outdated. Get out of there before you get hurt."

"Wait." He pressed the top of the keypad with his index finger, just attempting to see if something would happen. Surprisingly, it turned on. "I think I can unlock the tank."

"Why would you want to unlock it?"

"I don't know...I just feel like I should."

"What? Spider-man don't-"

The Punk and His Princess - Hobie Brown x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now