Chapter 14 - Two Days

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Chapter Song Rec: Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High? By Arctic Monkeys


Hobie's POV



He turned around, searching for where the voice had come from. Everything felt...dazed. "Who's there?" he called out, voice muffled and slow.

"Hobie!" The voice dragged out his name, soft and sparkly as a voice could be. But it sounded so far away...where could it be coming from?

"Y/n?" he called out softly, trying to catch his breath. "Y/N, where are you? Where are you?!" He tried to reach his arm out towards the voice, but he felt his heart stop.

He didn't have arms. He didn't have legs. He didn't have a body.

There was nothing beneath him.

He looked down in shock, only to look back up and see only darkness surrounding him.

And then he fell. He fell for what felt like hours and hours until-


His eyes opened.

He stared up at a light blue sky, fluffy clouds making the scene look more picturesque than usual. A painting. Too beautiful to ignore, but too unnerving to be normal. When he looked to the side, he saw a toppled over trash can, surrounded by rats and pests, gnawing on pieces of garbage.

He attempted to sit up, clutching his aching stomach with a groan. When he pulled his hand back, it was covered in red. "Where am I?" His voice was gravelly as he muttered under his breath, scanning the alleyway surrounding him. He didn't remember...anything.

What had happened after he'd found Kasady? He remembered talking to him...trying to calm him down...he remembered getting hurt, nearly losing, and finally letting himself go. And then nothing. Nothing had happened after that.

All he had left were short, sudden flashes of memories flooding through his brain.

An image of you, cowering beneath a hungry Carnage, an image of himself driving a stake through the monster's heart, an image of...darkness, swirling around like invisible smoke under his eyes.

And fire. He remembered so much fire.


Hobie's gaze shot back in front of him, his senses on high alert. The voice was...familiar. But it was also terrifying. "Who said that?" He called out, trying to stand up.


The voice sounded like it was coming from...inside his head. But that didn't make sense. He'd never had a voice in his head that wasn't his own before. What was going on?


"Who are you?" He called out stupidly, shaking his head and covering his hair with his hands. He tried to take a step, but stumbled, his legs giving out from underneath him as he came crashing down with a loud grunt.

"WE ARE DYING." The voice hissed at him and he raised his head up, fist planted against the ground. He felt his stomach rumble painfully and he realized the voice was right. He was hungry.

But that didn't explain where it was coming from.

"Who are you??" Hobie repeated again, clutching at his head as he tried to comprehend what the voice was asking for. "Where are you coming from?? What do you want?"

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