Chapter 19 - Trio

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Chapter Song Rec: All Mine - Plaza


Your POV


Knock Knock

"Come in!" you said, leaning back a little on your fluffy covers, legs pulled to your chest. You were half-expecting it to be your father, back to argue a little more, but it couldn't be. He'd left ten minutes ago and you'd watched his car pull out of the driveway.

He'd been pissed about Hobie, about Spider-punk, about you. But really, you couldn't blame him. Seeing a boy sworn to be his force's enemy in his daughter's room? Must've been a complete shock to him. He'd have never expected you, his obedient, calm, kind, forgiving daughter to be hosting a criminal.

And without his mask couldn't even begin to imagine what might have been going through your father's mind at that moment. And when he kissed you...your face began to heat up at just the memory.

God, he was a pain in the ass.

But you just couldn't get enough of him.

Knock Knock

"I said come in!" You exclaimed, getting up off the bed and heading towards the door. You opened it to see none other than Harry Osborne himself, a sly grin on his face as he nosily glanced around your room. "What do you want?" You asked with a groan as he let himself in.

"Just checking in on you...that spider-guy still in your room somewhere?" He asked teasingly, eyes meeting yours as he put his hands on his hips.

You felt like your face was on fire. "No! Who even told you?" You asked, pushing him over when he tried to pick up one of your books.

"Saw him jumping out your window when I was driving here. And I could hear your dad yelling at you from a block away." he snickered, putting his hands in his pockets. "I wanted to meet him...never met a superhero in real life before-" he said, looking around once again. "That his mask?"

"His what?" You looked at the red and blue piece of fabric lying on the floor and gasped, running over to pick it up. "He left his mask behind?!"

"Strange. Thought the whole secret identity thing was kind of important." Harry said, coming up behind you.

"How could he just forget his mask? That idiot!" You muttered under your breath, shoving it into your pocket before heading for the door.

"Where're you going?" Harry asked in bewilderment, following you.

"To go find him and give his mask back!"

"Are you bloody insane? He's probably on his way back right now, searching for his mask!" Harry exclaimed. "You go out there, holding Spider-punk's mask, you're gonna have tens of villains on your trail by tomorrow!"

You hesitated. "You're right." you grumbled, pulling the mask out and looking at it again.

"I'm always right." Harry replied smugly, grabbing the mask out of your hands. "Funny-looking thing, innit?"

"Give it back!" You reached for it annoyedly. "You're gonna rip it!" You grabbed his hair.

"Hey! OW!" He dropped the mask and you picked it up, holding it protectively. "Get out of my room!" You exclaimed, pointing towards the door.

"Aww, come on-"

"Get out!"

He grumbled under his breath, looking back at the window. His eyes widened and he opened his mouth. "I-"

The Punk and His Princess - Hobie Brown x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now