Chapter 17 - The 'Antidote'

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Chapter Song Rec: Como Tu Y Yo (this song actually slaps idk)

Apologies in advance for the short chapter 😔


Your father stared in shock, mouth agape as Hobie stood up, brushing himself off. He extended his hand towards him, an awkward smile on his face. "I'd say it's nice to meet you, but it's not really that nice, and we've already met before."

You groaned, covering your face with your hands.

When your father didn't do anything in response, Hobie faltered, pulling his hand back and shoving it in his pocket. "So...I guess I'll be going then. Dove-" he nodded towards you. "I will see you later-"

"Hobie." You gave him a warning look, as if begging him not to go any further.

"And as for you, you twat-" he pointed at your dad as he walked backwards towards the window. "I hope I never see you again. Pig."

"Hobie!" You exclaimed.

That seemed to be the last straw for your father. He reached towards his back pocket and you gasped, already knowing what was coming. You were about to grab your father's arm when a ball of web shot past you, sticking his hand, with the gun still in it, to the wall behind him.

"Don't even try it." His voice was cold as he stared back at your father, fists clenched. Hobie hated him after all, the chief of police. And your father felt the exact same.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY DAUGHTER'S ROOM?!" he exclaimed, struggling to untie the web from his hands as Hobie stood there, a bored, angry look on his face. "Whatever the hell I want."

As if an idea popped onto his head, Hobie grinned and began walking towards you excitedly, wanting to make your father as mad as humanly possible. "Don't even think about it!" You said, pushing him back and heading towards your dad. "Take the web off him!"

"But, dove-!"

"No buts! Get it off!"

He groaned, glaring at your father angrily before storming over, pulling the web off. As if on cue, your father held up the gun again only for Hobie to slam it to the side, the pistol falling to the floor in between them. The two stood there, fuming.

"Father?" You asked gently. He huffed in response. "Just sit down and let me explain." He tore his eyes away from Hobie to look at you, expression softening just slightly. "You're going to explain to me why you're hanging out with this punk?" he spat.

"The hell's wrong with being a punk?" Hobie asked, looking as though he might web your dad up again.

"'Bie, just-" you tried to plead-

"This damn tyrant's been pillaging the fucking city and making my life a living hell for the past few years and you're telling me to just? Just what? Just back off?"


"I'm not pillaging the city, I'm keeping it safe!" your father butt in, taking a threatening step towards Hobie. "Yeah? The hell have you done to keep it safe?! I'm the one always cleaning up after you pricks!"

"Please, just-"

"After you destroyed the city last week, and nearly got my daughter killed, I'd say I'm doing a much better job than you" your father hissed. Hobie looked as though he might explode that very moment. "You piece of-"

"Both of you, SHUT UP!"

They both turned to look at you, eyes slightly widened. You walked towards Hobie, pushing him towards the window. "Go."

"But, dove-"

"Please, just go, let me handle this-"

"He's not going anywhere! I'm arresting him!" Your father said, trying to move you out of the way.

"The hell you are-"



"Please! Go!"

"Fine" He slowly backed towards the wall, keeping his eyes on your dad in case he tried to pull something. Then quickly, he shot a web towards you, pulling you into his arms tightly.

"Hobie!" You exclaimed, confused as to what he was doing when suddenly he silenced you, by putting his lips on yours. He kissed you deeply, arms wrapping around your waist. He held the kiss for as long as possible, dipping you down just slightly before he suddenly pulled away, a wide, shit-eating grin on his face as he leaped out the open window.

You were left standing there in shock trying to process while your father yelled at you. You stared out the window, watching while he swung away, your face heating up as you tried to catch your breath. "I...bye." you whispered.


Hobie's POV


He swung away whooping, a newfound sense of pride in his swing. He'd had the most amazing day. He was practically doing loop-de-loops in the sky, feeling as though he was flying, his heart like it might just explode any moment.

Your lips, your eyes, your hair, god he wanted you so bad. He wanted all of you. You made him so happy. He felt so free.

He was in love.

Suddenly, a sharp pain struck him. His stomach. He slammed into the wall of a tall building, crumpling to the ground with a loud grunt. He dropped into an alleyway, hitting the ground with a THUD.

He groaned, trying to get up by shoving his fists against the ground, clutching at his stomach in pain. The aching moved towards his chest, spreading over his body like fire. He fell onto his back, trying to sit up but failing.


And then it felt like his body had disappeared. He was weightless. All he could do was lay there, completely paralyzed, a stranger in his own mind. He watched as his suit disappeared, vines of black covered him. No, no, not again- he thought, struggling to breathe as the black crawled over his face, mouth and eyes.

He disappeared.

He was gone.


Osborne's POV


The doors swung open as Norman "Ozzy" Osborne, walked through, sending all his scientists and assistants stumbling to the floor, stammering and hesitating as they watched him as quietly possible. Mice, stuck in a cage with a bloodthirsty cat. That was exactly how they felt.

"So? Any progress?" He asked in a booming voice, watching as they all cowered beneath his gaze. He took a step towards one of the scientists, grabbing their clipboard and reading it. A smile spread across his face.

"Ahem, testing has finished, sir. We believe...we believe the prototype works. We-" he squeaked as Osborne pushed the clipboard back into his arms, a wide grin on his face. "Well? What are you waiting for? Someone bring me the damn thing."

One of them scurried towards the lab, coming back with a large syringe and a few test tubes. "We've only made enough for one dosage." he said hesitantly.

Osborne took the syringe in his hands. "So this is how we stop're sure it works?"

"Yes, yes, sir, you just stick it into whoever the host is and it'll slowly break down the symbiote. It'll kill it. Completely."

"And for the host?"

The scientist hesitated. "If the symbiote doesn't leave...or if the host is unable to get the symbiote off...well, we believe they'll die, sir."

Osborne smiled, holding the syringe up, inspecting the liquid inside. "Perfect."


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