Chapter 12 - First Time

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Chapter Song Rec: Teeth by Five Seconds of Summer

After what felt like hours of nonstop walking, the two of you finally stumbled upon what looked like a control room, with tens of surveillance televisions lining the walls, showcasing the entirety of inside of the facility.

You approached the main controls while Spiderma-Hobie, looked around, messing with random buttons. "Can you not do that?" You asked, glaring back at him before you glanced back towards the cameras. There were so many.

"Sorry." He said with a chuckle, walking up from behind you and putting his chin on top of your head affectionately. "Whatcha lookin' at?"

"One of these has to be the lab with the venom symbiote in it." You replied, pressing a switch to move on to the next set of cameras. He watched too, scanning through all the surveillance videos before pointing towards one on the far right. "There. A tank, just like the one from the other room."

You looked up at him with a smile. "Genius." You whispered, shoving his shoulder back before you approached the surveillance video. He awkwardly shuffled along behind you, not sure of how to respond to your sudden closeness. "But where is this place?" You asked, thinking out loud as you stared into the screen.

Hobie pressed random buttons in an attempt to get the room number to show up. "Wait!" You said quickly, putting your hand on his arm. The room number flickered past. "Press that again."

"Room 19B, Sector 17." He read out, cocking his head to the side slightly. "Where the hell is that?"

"Map, there's gotta be a map" you said, looking around the control board for a button that would show you where everything was. You pressed on a large blue one, which suddenly pulled up a map of the facility on screen. You traced your finger along it, drawing out a path for the two of you to get there. "Here." You pressed your pointer finger into the small square that represented Room 19b, Sector 17.

"Let's go." 

It only took a couple minutes for the two of you to reach there, with you having jogged half the way because of Hobie's long strides. His lanky, tall body made him an extremely fast walker, making it difficult for you to keep up with him. Panting slightly, you entered the room after him, immediately being slammed by a wave of deja vu.

The room was the exact same as the room the Carnage symbiote had been in, except for it being slightly more well-kept. There was little to no dust and the computer actually turned on when Hobie tapped the button on the side. Then, in the middle of the room, was a large, clear glass tank.

And inside the tank, was a small black patch.

"What is that?" You whispered, coming up behind him as he placed his hands flat on the glass, staring inside at the alien-like creature. "I'm not sure." He murmured. He moved his hand slightly, and the creature moved to. Playfully, he snapped his wrist to the side, causing the creature to do the same, quickly jumping towards where he'd flicked his hand. He smiled. "That's bloody insane."

"Can you stop entertaining the alien?" you asked annoyedly.

He jumped at your sudden statement, nodding sheepishly before moving to the side to allow you to get a better look at it. The alien moved along with him, climbing the side of the wall to stay right in front of him. "I think it likes you."

He cringed. "Let's hope not."

" what?" You asked softly, peering at the black patch curiously. "I guess I've gotten open it, right?" He suggested, moving towards the door of the enclosure. It asked for a code, which he promptly inputted. "How do you know the code?" You asked.

The Punk and His Princess - Hobie Brown x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now