Chapter 13 - Let There Be Carnage

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concept art by levionok on Tumblr <3

Chapter Song Rec: No normal song fits this chapter but the Resident Evil theme does 💀 trust


Hobie's POV


Hobie swung through the air, swerving around building and furiously leaping towards the crowds that were running from the scene taking place in the heart of the city.

Screams and shouts could be heard from the civilians who tripped and climbed over each other. It was a horrific sight and Hobie wanted to help them, but he couldn't. He had to focus on finding Kasady.

"Mommy!" A young boy caught Hobie's eye, sobbing as he was pushed back by the hordes of men and women. He fell to his knees, bundling himself up as he cried out for his parents.

Hobie's heart wrenched and he leaped down, swooping the child up in one arm before looking around, searching for whoever this child's parents were.

"Elijah!" An older woman exclaimed, trying to shove her way towards them. He swung towards her, handing her the child with a tip of his head before swinging away once again.

It was pure chaos.

And not the sort of chaos Hobie enjoyed.

Awful, piteous chaos.

He flew through the air, scanning the ground as he got closer and closer to the loud shrieks and screams of the symbiote, mixed with Kasady's anger-filled shouts.

There were tanks everywhere, surrounded by cars, officers, the army, all with their guns out as they shot at the symbiote, doing whatever they could to subdue it. Obviously, it wasn't working.

"WHERE IS SPIDER-MAN?!" Kasady shrieked. "BRING ME SPIDER-MAN" his red and black arms, fiercely elongated as he grabbed one of tanks and wrapped his vines around it. Once the tank was fully engulfed in crimson, he picked it up and threw it towards the officers.


Hobie swooped down towards the officers, webbing up as many as he could and throwing them up into the air before he caught them one by one, successfully getting them away from the danger.

Kasady's eyes narrowed. 

Hobie's heart dropped.

"Hello, Spider-man." The symbiote hissed. Its terrifying voice sent chills up Hobie's spine...but something about it seemed familiar. That voice...he hadn't heard it before. But it sounded like a different voice he knew.

It almost sounded like...the voice that had told him the code in the lab that day. 893466. 

It wasn't the voice in his head that'd helped him that day. It was the Venom symbiote.

The same symbiote that was adjusting itself inside his body at this moment. The same symbiote that the monster terrorizing the city was derived from. The same symbiote that he was hoping would be his secret weapon in this fight.

"Kasady!" Hobie yelled, swinging up into the air and looking down at him through narrowed slits. "This is your last chance to surrender."

And then, of course, Kasady simply laughed it off. "I should be asking you the same thing."

He swung onto one of the poles overlooking the scene, sticking to the side. "Y'don't want to do this, Cletus."

Kasady threw a large piece of rubble towards him, which Hobie promptly dodged. "That thing isn't your friend! It's manipulating you!"

The Punk and His Princess - Hobie Brown x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now