Chapter 33 - New Era

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Aurora's PoV

I was invited to have lunch with Diana this morning but I didn't expect that I would be meeting anyone important today. I thought that we would just have a simple lunch for two. The moment I arrived, I was shocked to see a group of people whom I've seen in the television before.

"Diana, who is this girl? I've seen her with Blanca all the time. Is she Blanca's love interest?"

Asked one of the guests.

"You can say that. Show some respect."

Immediately these grown man kept their thoughts to themselves. What happened to their big mouth before being warned by Diana? These people are nothing but those who takes advantage of those around them.

"If I may be so bold, madam. Is there a reason why you summoned us here?"

Diana smiled before taking a few sip of her wine.

"I'm thinking of running for president."

Huh? Everyone were surprise including me. I almost choke on the water I was drinking too.

"Madam, running for president is not a fun game. It's about taking care of this country. Do you even have the time to be dealing with political affairs?"

Diana stare at the man who spoke.

"Are you looking down on me?"

The rest kept their head low.

"Well, it was just a thought. I feel like my achievements aren't as grand as it should be. Perhaps being the president would consider an achievement. Or maybe I should find a king to marry?"

Diana laughed. How is it possible for such a successful woman to say that her achievements are mediocre?!

"Mistress, you've achieved many things since you were a child. Not only you've manage to merged several company into one, you also created a system that has never seen in the business world. I think that's a great achievement already. But if you still wish to run for presidency, as your vassal, we shall do everything in our power to help you."

Wow- and just like that these people are all under her control.

"Anyway, I think it's time for me to introduce Aurora's real identity to you all. Aurora is the last heir to the Larove clan. The direct descendent of Christina Larove, one of the three legendary sisters."

Ah, now I understand the reason why I am here.

"A Larove? I never knew you have this comedic side of you, Diana. It's not funny though. But I praise your efforts."

Diana leaned back to her seat with a smile.

"Sir, you're out of line."

Diana didn't even say anything as the man who questioned her tremble in fear while keeping his head low.

"It's good that you still value your life. I thought I need to cut off that tongue on yours for being so blunt. Aurora, I'm sorry for such an embarrassing displayed."

I waved my hand off.

"But, I was embarrassed that my trusted vassal would say such a thing to the heir. What should I do to make this right? Oh yes, how about I expose your embezzlement to the public? That way you'll recover the backlash."

The man look up with fearful expression.

"Please forgive me, mistress. I didn't mean to say those things. I have never thought that I would be so lucky to ever meet the heir to the Larove heir."

Diana hummed.

"Alright. I'll give you one last chance to make things right. Sometimes people like you forget that there's always someone standing on an even higher pedestal than you. It's not a bad thing to be humble sometimes, old man."

The man kept his head low, acknowledging Diana's words.

"Well, mistress, what do you plan to do next with the heir?"

Asked the person next to trouble old man. This I want to hear.

"I'm rebuilding the Larove's to it's former glory. I promised my friend that I'll get back what belongs to the family to her daugther. Thus the reason why Aurora is here. All of you will have to work really hard to impress me."

The vassals look at each other before waiting for Diana's explanation. This must be what Blanca meant when she said I'll be experiencing hands on experience when it comes to dealing with people who only cares about themsleves and money.

These vassals, they are selfish and arrogant but even they wouldn't dare to defy Diana's ironclad orders. With a snap of her finger, she manage to gan control of the situation and used it against that rude old man earlier.

"The Larove's wealth divided into several industry. The people that responsible for this knew exactly what to do to get them. Ah- that explained your recent act against those families, mistress. So it's for the lady's future."

Huh? What is this man on about?

"Destroying a family doesn't mean a lot to me. Is this your way of telling me to be meticulous?"

The man suddenly kept his head down before apologising.

"No, mistress. It's just, you have never made a move on those families before even when they tried to tarnish your good name. We have no choice but to be curious to why you start pushing them to their limits now."

Diana did all that? For me?! Will she be okay? Wait- thr tasks Blanca mentioned, is it to destroy the families that put the Larove in its state now? Will Blanca be alright?

I've done nothing to help them. Is it okay for me to keep on studying without helping them? Even though I'm powerless now but-

"Aurora, you're close with Svetlana, yes?"

I nodded. The vassals seems surprised.

"Svetlana? The next head of Volin? I see- so this is the lady's ways to protect yourself? It's a nice move but can you even control Svetlana's bloodlust? That girl once kill a man with her bare hands. Can you handle her wrath once she's losing control of reality?"

Huh? Svetlana is someone like that? I never knew. She seems so sweet and she follows what I said. I thought she's-

"Are you doubting me?"

What am I saying?! This is not the words I wish to utter.

"Auntie, it seems that your vassals doesn't trust you. Perhaps you should start thinking of eliminate those who keeps questioning your decision. It's getting annoying."

Diana hummed before she chuckled.

"I think you have a point, Aurora. I think it's time for a new era."

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