Chapter 46 - Lucky me?

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Svetlana's POV

"What are you trying to say, man? I can't understand you. Use human words."

I grabbed a handful of the man hair before pulling his head back. Then I just realised that I shove a cloth in his mouth to prevent him from screaming as I grabbed his from the streets. I gave my partner a look while removing the cloth from his mouth.

"I forgot, okay."

My partner shake her head while helping me by pushing his head back.

"Who the fuck are you? I don't even know who you are. What did I do to deserve this?! I'm sure the police are already inform. My wife will not stay still!"

Oh- his wife?

I smiled before turning his head to where his wife is.

"I made sure to be gentle tel since she's pregnant. Your son is over there with one of my girls. He is such a deep sleeper too."

I could see the fear in his expression. I'm sure his life is flashing in front of his face right now and I have to say I am enjoying this.

"Don't hurt them. Please don't hurt them. I done nothing to anger anyone! If you have to hurt anyone, hurt me. Let my family go."

I placed a finger on his lips to hushed him down.

"People like you always tell lies. Are you sure you haven't done anything to anger anyone? For instance, from your secret job. I mean, you've made sure to silent everyone but have you ever consider that some of your target may or may not have a even greater backer? Perhaps, from Volin."

I find it amusing to see his reaction. Fear clearly visible in his eyes before he looks at his wife.

"Please- don't do this. My family doesn't have to know what I do for some extra cash."

Ah- it got bored way too quickly. I used the back of my hand to slap this man hard. His wife screamed as I continue to hurt her husband in front of her.

"Shut up, lady. Do you want your child to wake up?"

I grabbed a hold of the man's collar and force him to wake up.

"Tell me the name of your employer. And don't lie to me. If you do, I will hurt your wife."

The man screamed in agony as I continue to thretened him.

"She is pregnant, you fuck! Leave her alone! Don't you have any sense of humane?!"

Sense of humane? In this line of job?

"No. I used to have them. But it dissapear the moment I lost someone whom I never get to see or hold. So if you're asking me if I would care what happened to you wife? I don't. Because no one care when the person I love was hurt. Tell me the reason why I should have mercy for people like you?"

The man seems speechless until-

"Aren't we the same? We only took orders from our superior. So why am I different from you? You have someone you love, I do too. Let my family go. I will do as you say."

I smiled at the man before grabbing his neck. He is struggling to breathe.

"How stupid do you think I am? Tell me the names now and then I'll let you go."

The man think for a moment before he finally gave up.

"Louie Carmichael. He came personally and paid me a hefty amount of cash to kill Aurora Larove."

I knew it.

"See- how easy is that?"

I finally let the man go and told the others to release his wife from her bind.

"Volin will make sure of your safety. You 'died' in my hands now. My girls will explain what will happen to you and your family from now on. Leave now before I change my mind."

When I'm finally alone with my partner, I'll up to her who only smile at me.


My partner shrugged.

"Now I understand why you took a body from the freezer and bring it here with us. You want to fake his death? And why would you go through all the trouble to create a new identity for the man and his family? You could just kill them like you always you."

It would be easier that way but the child and his unborn sibling deserve to see the world. I- I can't let them suffer just because their father tried to kill Aurora.

"Shut up and just do your job. Burn the corpse or whatever."

Julia, my partner hummed.

"Then? Should we just let it burn or send it back to those bastard?"

By those bastard, Julia meant those secret society bastard who used their connection from black market auction to find their client. It's giving Volin a bad rep because they often used our name whenever they messed up.

"Oh, I have a better idea than send it back to those bastard. Why not we pay a visit and show them why they shouldn't mess with Volin? Sooner or later, we have to deal with them."

Julia seems hesitant.


Atta girl.

Later that night,

I got home, went straight to the bathroom, clean myself and put on some fresh clothes before meeting Aurora and Blanca in the chamber. I was sure they would be all over each other but I was wrong. Blanca was watching a horror movie while eating popcorn while Aurora on the bed, with her laptop, doing her assignments.

"You got home early. Usually you would be done by 2 or 3 in the morning."

I grabbed a handful of popcorn from Blanca's bowl before sitting on the couch's armrest.

"I went to the those bastard in the secret society and gave them a warning. They are not happy that I kill almost half of their people. But I'm not mad. They're weak as fuck. And don't worry- Volin will take care of the rest."

Blanca shake her head no.

"You ought to control your desire to kill, Svetlana. You're not single anymore. Your action will affect both of us."

I turned to where Aurora is.

"What's up with her?"

Blanca turned back and said,

"Assignments. I finished mine. But you know how she is- she needs everything to be perfect." 

I decided to throw a piece of popcorn at Aurora.

"Lana, stop it. I will talk to you as soon as I'm done."

Whoa- I didn't expect to be scolded.

"Told yah. Wait, did you had dinner?"

I shake my head no.

"I see. I'll heat it up for you then. I'm getting hungry myself."

I nodded as Blanca got up from the couch and went down to the kitchen. Wait-

"You're going to heat it yourself?!"

Blanca fake a laugh and said,

"Ha ha- very funny. Just sit down and watch the movie. I'll get them ready soon."

Whoa- it must be my lucky day. Blanca never volunteer to do this before. What's gotten into her recently?

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