Chapter 8

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"Your daddy heard everything I said to your brother. I should be mad, but I would be a hypocrite if I did. I eavesdropped on his conversation with you two, so I guess that makes us even," I said.

Jaydan kicked both his legs and squealed.

I laughed.

"You know, in spite of everything that went on between your daddy and I, he's a good man. I can already see the love he has for you and your brother, shining in his eyes. I have no doubt that he will do anything in his power to always protect and care for the two of you. And to me? That's all that matters," I said before leaning down to kiss Jaydan on his head.

Jaydan's eyes fluttered close.

I snickered. My baby boy must be really tired.

After rearranging my clothes, and checking if Jaydan needs some diaper change, I gave Jaydan a soft and tender kiss on the top of his head. Then I walked over to the Jaydan's playpen and carefully placed him on his back. I smooth his hair back before turning on the monitor to go and check on Jarred.

I look at my baby boy one last time, before I head back out into the living room.

I found Lucas holding Jarred on his lap, facing him as he talked to him animatedly.

I couldn't stop the smile that graced my lips, nor could I control my heart from fluttering inside my chest.

"Are you just going to stand there, or are you going to join us?" He asked with a teasing and playful tone.

I chuckled softly and walked over to them.

"Did Jaydan fall asleep?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yeah. He's tired. He was fuzzy the night before and didn't get much sleep. Then he lost some nap time. We'll just have to put him back on schedule tomorrow."

He nodded. "This little guy here is still going though. He's got so much energy."

"Yes he does," I agreed. I'm really surprised at how quickly the boys took to him. The twins are usually aloof with strangers. It takes them awhile to feel comfortable with new people.

"I can't believe how taken the boys are with you at such a short amount of time..." I started to say then I realized how this must sound to Lucas because he is after all their father, and it was my fault he lost almost a year and a half with the twins'.

I immediately apologized. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I swear Lucas. I wasn't thinking..."

He shook his head. "It's okay. Look it's still hard when I think about all that I've missed but being angry or blaming you won't help. It's done, and I have them in my life now, and that's what I want to focus on," he said. "Look, I promised I would try my hardest to leave our past behind us, and I will," he smiled. "I don't want you to tread lightly around me. I most definitely don't want you to be afraid of telling me stories about before and after the twins' birth, in fear of offending me. I won't be offended. In fact, I'd love to hear about all the stories you have."

I smiled gratefully at him. "Thank you. I must warn you though, I have tons of stories and you're ears will probably bleed with all the stories I have for you," I teased.

He laughed. "I'd love every single one of them, and I'll gladly let my ears bleed listening to you tell me about our boys."

Suddenly Jarred's hands slapped his cheeks as he tried to get Lucas' attention.

I chuckled. "He does that a lot," I said.

"I noticed," he said as he cooed over Jarred giving him his undivided attention.

His Heart's Desire (Book 2 in His Heart's Series)Where stories live. Discover now