Chapter 25

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Four days turned to five, then a week. Every time, they reduced her sedation, but she seemed to be having trouble and fighting against the ventilator, so they would increase her sedation back up again. But even so, according to the doctors, she was doing well and her vitals were stable and improving. But none of their words comforted me.

Watching Livie laying there was too much. I won't be satisfied until she wakes and I hear her voice again.

I refused to leave Livie's side for anything longer than the hour that it takes to run back home, shower, and get back to the hospital.

My brothers and our friends took turn bringing me food to eat.

By the second week they were able to reduce her sedation, and thankfully she didn't fight it this time.

A couple days later her eyes flickered open, then close again. She was asleep more than she was awake during the next few days.

Then finally another two days later, she opened her eyes and her gaze landed on me.

I smiled. "Livie," I whispered. "You're okay. I'm right here. Just rest."

She simply stated right back at me.

Does she recognize me?

Before I could say anything else, she fell back asleep.

"Sleep sweetheart. I need you fully awake when I tell you how sorry I am and how much I love you," I said.

There was so many things I wanted to say, but I know that now is not the right time. She needs rest and more time to heal. My priority right now is to make her feel as comfortable as she can be.

After another two days she was completely taken off sedation and she no longer needed to be on the ventilator because she was already breathing on her own.

I heard a groan then her eyes fluttered open.

"Ara, she's waking up," I said to Ara, who was taking out some food from the bag.

I pressed the call button, and informed the nurses that Livie was awake.

She immediately walked over to the hospital bed.

"Hey, it's good to see you fully awake," Ara said.

Livie gave her a small smile.

"Hi, sweetheart," I said, my voice laced with heavy emotion.

She pulled her hand away from my grasp.

Fear gripped me, but I pushed it aside.

"Livie..." I started to say but before I could finish, Livie asked me to leave.

"Please leave," she croaked out.


"I want you to leave," she said again.

"Ara, please..." She started to sob, then she groaned in pain.

"Sweetheart just relax..."

"Make him leave," Livie said.

"Luke, I think you should go. It's fine. I won't leave her," Ara said.


"Luke please. This is not good for her. You can talk to her later, but right now she needs you to leave," Ara said firmly.

I swallowed hard and nodded.

"I'm going to be right outside. I'm not giving up on us, Livie. I want you to know that," I said before leaving.

His Heart's Desire (Book 2 in His Heart's Series)Where stories live. Discover now