chapter thirty four

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Hana walked up to you.

"Hana " you said her name firmly. "Never knew you can pay for a room here, or even enter looking like that" she laughed.

You rolled your eyes, "don't you have something else better to do? Like pluck your nose hairs cause they're very much showing?" You pointed at her nose, she slapped your hand.

"You have a lot of n—" "Hana," Bong Joon grabbed her shoulder, her face softened. "Don't t-touch me, you!" She jumped back, Bong Joon gave puppy eyes to Ae Cha.

"Would... would you guys like to join us?" "Ae Cha," you looked at her "I know. But for Bong Joon, and we can't have you and her creating so much tension at school" Ae Cha whispered back.

"I'm fine with anything as long as you are" Ha Joon held your hand, you looked at Hana from Ha Joon. "You can join us" Hana had her arms crossed, she glanced at Seung Ho.

"Sure, let's meet at the beach. C'mon Sung Hee" Sung Hee and Hana walked away. You all sat your table.

"That was a lot to handle" Da Chul said, a waiter came to take your orders.

You guys went to the hotel rooms, and what was amazing, was that they were the ones next to your hotel room.

The day was getting darker.

Aw Cha changed into a bikini, but she put a skirt over her bikini. "Are you sure you don't want to wear a bikini of mine?" "I'm sure," you put a blouse on and some Jean shorts.

"I'm comfortable in this" you hugged her, she laughed.

You guys met everyone down stairs, the other girls wore a bikini but you.

I feel left out.

The guy wore shorts and regular shirt.

You guys went to the beach, "look there's a volley ball net" Ae Cha pointed at it "and I brought a ball" Myung Seouk said.

"There's nine of us. We need to separate into two teams of four. And one has to be a score keeper" "I'll be a score keeper" Da Chul raised his hand, "not a fan of all that movement and sweat" Da Chul went to the side

"As Cha pick your team" you said "hm, Myung Seouk..." she pointed " Bong Joon and Hana" "Ae Cha!" You whined "I'm sorry!! They seem like the best ones!" You all looked at Bong Joon. "Hey! I'm good at volleyball besides my weight! Bong Joon yelled.

"Whatever, let's starts!" Hana exclaimed, she started with the ball, she hit it into the air, passing it to Myung Seouk, Myung Seouk hit it over to your side. Hana winked at Sung Hee.

"I got it!" You yelled but Sung Hee ran into you, you fell into the sand. "Pause! I'm sorry Ji hyun!" Sung Hee apologized and walked away, you scoffed.

"Are you alright?" Ha Joon extended his hand out but you noticed another hand extended out  for you. Seung Ho and Ha Joon looked at each other.

"Oh wow, that's some k drama shit right there" Bong Joon spoke up.

"Uh... I'm fine!" You felt awkward and got up yourself, they both took their hands back. You dusted the sand off your butt "let's just continue the game!"

You guys went on and on for hours until the sun fell. And in the end your team won, "I was sure I chose the best players" Ae Cha pouted "you left me with the two talles at people" you poked her cheek.

You all sat at a table, Bong Joon and Da Chul came back with drinks and passed out to everyone.

"We overheard they're doing a firework festival the day after tomorrow at night. We should all come" Bong Joon said, Ae Cha gasped and looked at Ha Joon and you.

"Can we?" You looked at each other and smiled, and looked back to Ae Cha. "I don't see why not" "how about you... Seung Ho?" Seung Ho left his drink unopened and was already gone.

"He must be tired from all that volleyball" Da Chul said "does he do that often?" Ae Cha asked "er, pretty sure" you were quiet.

Seung Ho was always reserved about everything. Only thing people even knew about him was; he was a work machine, smart as hell, serious and stubborn.

You started feeling dizzy, and you knew what was about to happen.

"I'm get some sleep" "you alright?"  "Yeah. Stay here with Ae Cha, make sure they don't pick on her" you said, he nodded. You left the beach and started heading to the hotel.

You made it to your bed, and you fainted just in time.


You slowly woke up, finding the spirit floating.

"Do think this is a game?" You sat up, this was all normal to you now.  "No..." you answered softly. You stood up slowly "just give the second chance to Seung Ho" you forfeited it.

"So you don't want the second chance. You don't want to live with the love of your life" "Seung Ho will die anyway, how would that make me relive the first life!?" "Just because one bad thing is gone, doesn't mean every bad thing is gone from your life!"

You flinched, "always something new with you" you glared at it. "Who knows, maybe Ha Joon might become the next distant husband" "don't say that about him! He's kind and loving—" "what about his past actions? His horrible actions that he did to you with Hana?"

You bit your lip, "don't tell me you already forgot about—" "I didn't!" You shouted in angst. "You know nothing how this works. Even if Seung Ho gets a second life; to live without the chains he had to endure... he will still be chained down by something else."

"So... we don't even really win in this life?" "No one wins in life" your eyes saddened.

I brought this to Seung Ho.. but how can I give him the life when he has to endure other things. I don't want that.

You sighed, "give us time. We're trying—" "I've given you guys time! And neither have you guys made it easier for me to give the life!" "Shouldn't you just give it to Seung Ho then? Since this should've never—" it cut me off.

It floated closer to me, "I already told you this. He lived a horrible life m, just had as you! And they're giving him a chance to live a life where he gets a somewhat free life, but he isn't making any efforts."

"Figure out what you need to change so you urn life doesn't repeat itself. So you can live your happily ever after."


"Ji Hyun! Wake up, wake up!" You hear a voice from a distance but it got closer, your eyes slowly opened.

"Oh you're awake!" Ae Cha helped you sit up "what time is it?" "It's still before midnight. I found you almost slipping off the bed" "oh..." you remember the spirit's words.

"Are you okay?" Ae Cha sat next to you, you nodded. "Yeah, just a really bad dream" Ae Cha hugged you and comforted you, you slowly fell asleep in her arms. She fell asleep on your head.

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