Part 2

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The momentary hurt that flashed through his eyes at your words, only provided a quick hit of satisfaction. It wasn't enough. You needed him to break just like you did. You needed him to feel the cracks spread across his heart like you had.

"I'm sorry engel (angel), I had no-"

You dig the point of the pin in a centimeter deeper, your voice only loud enough for the two of you to hear, "How could you König," a lone tear falling down your now pale cheeks.

"I know you're hurt-"

"SHUT UP KÖNIG!!! I will slit your throat right here if you don't stop talking-"

Your eyes widen in alert as he moves toward you walking farther into the sharp pin, "Will you, herzblatt (sweetheart)?"

He's testing you, calling your bluff, and the more warm liquid drips down your hand, you begin asking yourself the same question.

Could you kill the man that betrayed you?

Could you kill the man you stayed up with until 3am talking about life with. Could you kill the man who brought you chocolate and flowers when it was that time of the month. Or, could you kill the one who rented out an observatory for you, so you could spend the whole night watching the stars after a bad day.

Could you kill your best friend?

"Stop," you say on a plea, biting your bottom lip to stop the tears threatening to leak down your face.

"Kill me. Es wäre mir eine Ehre, durch deine Hände zu sterben (It would be an honor to die by your hands).

He walks forward, you immediately take one back, scared that step might be the one to nick an artery.

Afraid that step might be the one to end his life.

Your hand begins to shake and his lifts to wrap around it, steadying the weapon against his throat, you eyes questioning his motives.

Why wasn't he pulling your hand away?

"I deserve your anger. I deserve every ounce of pain and betrayal you have coursing through you right now, but I promise you I won't let them hurt you. Once I explain, if you still want to end me where I stand I won't stop you."

Yanking your hand away from his neck, you pull the pin back, wiping the blood on you pants, "Five minutes. Better make it worth it."

He nods, you only realizing it was an order to the soldiers when they leave and step outside.

"They want you back home."

Your body freezes at his words. How did they find you? You had been so careful.

"Thats not my home and I'm not going back."

He steps away from you and you take your first full deep breathe in what felt like hours. You didn't realize you hadn't allowed your lungs to suck in oxygen since the moment you stood up from the couch.

Was that the reason for the burning sensation in your chest or was it because of something deeper?

"They figured you'd say that. If you want to stay here, they'll allow it, if you give up them what they want"

You laugh loudly, "Allow it? No one allows me to do anything. No one controls me, no one forces me to do anything, no one fucking owns me. No one, whether it's you or them."

His eyes hold conflict in them, "I never wanted to own you or control you y/n."

A sarcastic smile finds its way on your face, "You're right, my mistake. You just wanted to use me and throw me away."

König x Reader- Bad taste in men Where stories live. Discover now