Part 3

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Your body was met with an a cold chill that seemed to travel through every single nerve ending.

You wanted so desperately to believe Price's words were a figment of your imagination, that he was actually here to rescue you. Maybe your brain had scrambled his words after everything it's been through today.

Instead, Price nods his head at König's, your eyes twitching in disbelief as you look up at König, watching him nod his back.

A whimper is captured against König's glove as you shake your head, eyes squeezing shut as the life you thought you had, collapsed to pieces at your feet.

"Let her go König," Price had said, your eyes meeting his with hurt reflected in them. There was no point in hiding the ache in your heart.

You had been ready to go to war for Price and Ghost, to keep them safe, to keep the only family you had left, the only people in this world your heart found a beat for.

There had been so many times after joining 141 were you had debated if any of this was worth it. Feet dangling over the roof, you had contemplated the momentary pain for the eternal peace you would feel after you were reunited with your parents. You couldn't even bring yourself to look in the mirror most days, hating the only time you saw them was when you looked in the reflection.

It had taken months to trust Price and Ghost, never sitting to close to them, never eating the food they brought you. They never gave up, slowly showing you how to deal with your loss and anger, how to to find a beauty in what your parent's sacrificed.

They'd even taught you how to embrace parts of your parents, like your mom's knife skills and your dad's agility in hand to hand combat, while becoming your own person in the process.

You found two people to live for again.

König's hands gently releases you, your feet taking a small step to the side, while gauging the room. Your eyes blink furiously, trying to fight against the tears as your voice cracks, "You were in on this?"

You force your eyes to stay on Price's, afraid that looking at Ghost, the man you considered a big brother, might break the dam of emotions wrecking havoc inside you.

"I did, let us explain Y/n"

A sob escapes your mouth, your hand failing to capture it, before it successfully covers your mouth, "No. No, how could you? How could you guys? After everything."

That dam had cracked under the pressure, a leak becoming a downpour of tears.

König interrupts, "Y/n let him-"

"NO," you yell, grabbing the gun he had reholstered before he could stop you. His hands find their way in the air as he backs toward Price and Ghost, giving you space.

Your feet take measured steps, expanding the distance between you three.

Price mouth opened but closed the minute you said, "Don't. You lied to me? Used me?"

Hating to utter the next sentence out loud you find away to say it anyway, hoping it hurts them, even if it's a little bit.

"I trusted you, I trusted all of you."

The room was suspended in silence, no one moving an inch or saying a word until König finds the nerve to take a step forward, "Schatz, hear us out, please."

You let an exasperate laugh out, "Let you explain why you betrayed me, no need. Greed is a fickle bitch isn't she?"

Keeping your eyes on the three men in front of you, your arm swings behind you, unloading three bullets into the window. Glass litters the floor, a few pieces landing around your feet from the proximity.

"Careful, liebling (darling). 

The skin between your eyes creases in confusion. You watch his eyes scanning your feet as glass falls near you.

Was he acting concerned for you?

"Time for pretending you actually care about me is over, König."

Your boots crunch on the glass, your body finding its way toward the window, never turning away from the three traitors watching your every move.

"If any of you move a single centimeter towards me, I'll put a bullet in your feet."

The next second you launch yourself out the window, the snow cushioning the small drop. Standing up, you move quickly, coming to a halt as a car resembling a Jeep Wrangler skirts to a stop in front of you. A man with a gun hanging across his chest hops out, pausing a few feet away.

The sound of boots plowing through snow comes from behind you. Not bothering to look, you point the gun at the snow, letting off two warning shots.

Your attention stays on the man in front of you, knowing the three behind you aren't willing to call your bluff in these circumstances.

Nodding at the man in front of you, you ask, "Mercenary?"

His eyes analyze you and the men halted in their tracks, surely giving you some distasteful looks.

"Bounty hunter," his gruff voice calls out to you in the distance.

Looking at him from head to toe, you weigh your options, "Same thing," you reply dryly.

He pulls the strap of the gun causing it to slide to his back, doing his best to appear less threatening.

"I don't kill for the money."

You didn't believe him, though it could be the betrayal dousing your emotions in distrust.

He did, however, show up alone and packing light. You liked your odds better against one foe than three. Three who knew your fighting style, strengths, and weaknesses.

König knew what you were planning before you moved, "Don't you fucking think about it, Y/n." 

Price chimed in too, "That's an order Y/n."

Turning, you finally acknowledge the three men, "I don't take orders from you anymore."

Beginning to walk towards the passenger side of the car, König words stop you in your tracks, "Y/n, I swear when I get my hands on you again-"

The words die on his lips as you interrupt him, "You'll never see me again. None of you will, I'll make sure of it."

Slinging the door open you hop in as the man does the same, throwing the car into gear, the tires spiting up snow.

You watch as the figures shrink in your rear view mirror, Price and König turning to yell a each other, while Ghost watches you fade in distance, swearing you saw him nod at you.

He had been quiet the whole time, never interfering. Perhaps he wasn't on board with Price and König's plan to turn you over, but that didn't matter now.

The man beside you extends his hand to you, "You can call me Keegan."

Your eyes look at his hand, rough and calloused. You didn't trust him but you didn't need trust, when you had money.

Taking a deep breath, your hand meets his, shaking it, "Call me Y/n."

A tire screeching from a near by street ends the flashback. Sitting your mug down you stand up from the table, grabbing the dry erase marker and crossing another day off the calendar.

Four months and two days.

It had been four months and two days since you took the leap and hoped in a car with a complete stranger. Four months and two days since you withdrew all your money, hid it in offshore bank accounts, and vanished.

Four months and two days since you had seen König.

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