Part 13

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"You were going to fucking erase your memory of me?"

Goosebumps erupt over your arms as the nurse moves to unclasp your wrists from the binds.

Her voice holds relief instead of panic like you had expected after the two unexpected gunshots, now echoing around the room.

"Seems someone had a change of heart after all."

Your eyes move to the the two computers located to the far right of the room, watching in disbelief as the last copy of the serum evaporates into smoke and sparks.

König had no idea what he just ruined, not only for you but for him as well.

The revised serum was originally intended for König in the first place, not you.

While in the hospital, your mind tended to roam, bedridden and completely bored out of your mind.

Two idea's occupied your thoughts frequently, the first being what you would do to Steiner once you got your hands on him. You could practically hear the way he would beg for mercy after what he had done to König. The second idea had you reaching for your phone, sending Price a "911" text.

He berated you while trying to catch his breathe, "You send an emergency text and that's what this is about? I thought you were coding or something, kid."

You laugh but immediately wince when one of your broken ribs emits a sharp pain that seems to touch every nerve ending in your body. "Price, if I was coding how could I possibly text you '"911?"

"I'm old kid, I've learned to run first and ask questions later."

Scooting over, you pat a spot on the mattress for him to sit. "Old? You're like in your fifties."

Huffing, he sits down, rolling his eyes as he does. You can't help but laugh at him while mentally apologizing to your pain receptors. You were surprised he knew how to do such a thing.

Sassy man.

"Seriously though, do you think the serum can be modified? It basically brainwashes the subject, what if we can get the subject to brainwash themselves into wiping their own memory. It sounds crazy in theory, I know, but changing and adjusting some of the components could make it a possibility."

It seems to dawn on him, his eyes squinting at you, "You want to wipe König's memory?"

He still hadn't been to see you since getting back but you understood he was a victim as much as you were. He was allowed his space. But you couldn't deny every time you heard footsteps pass your door, you had hoped it would open with König on the opposite side of it. And every time the footsteps faded down the hallway, you tried to convince yourself that ache in your chest wasn't caused by disappointment.

Looking down at your less than perfect hands, you noticed you had started picking at your nails again without even realizing it.

"He was under another person's control for almost three weeks. Three weeks. I can't imagine what he's been through at the hands of that man. Of course, we won't tell him until we can test it and see if it's a feasible option. I just want him to have options if its too much for him to handle. We could somehow isolate the components so it only targets certain memories or parts of his brain; if he agrees to it. He helped me when I needed it, I owe him that much."

Price smiled at you, grabbing one of your fumbling hands, "Sure, kid."

Ghost's angry British accent pulls your attention, "What the hell König? Watch where you fucking shoot that thing. If those bullets had ricocheted and hit either one of them then you would be-"

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