Part 6

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The envelope moves back and forth between your hands, eyes never moving from the inked words on the front as you take in your name written in cursive.

You'd lost track of how long you've been in the car with Keegan, Price, and Ghost, heading to the last coordinates König had sent before going radio silent.

Price had handed you the letter earlier, stopping you in your tracks, before you hopped in the passenger seat of the car.

'He left this for you," was all he said before turning and walking back to the driver's side of the car. All the muscles in your body seemed to freeze, one hand hesitantly holding the letter while the other clumsily pulls at the door handle.

It's been hours since and your eyes never drifted from the white paper, not caring to take in the scenery, or the sky, or the route. Nothing mattered, apart from the words on the paper and the person who wrote them.

Your brain couldn't stop overthinking all the possible things written within the pages of the envelope.

Was he mad at you for believing he would betray you for something as mundane as money? Was he disappointed in you for believing something so ridiculous and insane?

Because now? Now, the thought of him betraying you felt so far fetched in hindsight. Not once had you felt anything but safe and protected when you were with him.

Ghost was right, fear is a powerful tool.

As it turns out, Price and König's weren't alone in making rash decisions because of their concerns. You had let your deepest fears of being alone get to you. But instead of suffering alone, both you and König were suffering apart from one another, because of one another.

A part of you ached at the possibility that this would be the last words König ever said to you.

It felt like a goodbye.

And everyone knew how much you hated goodbyes.

"We're here," Price's gruff voice pulls you out of your internal battle, your eyes landing on the massive compound sitting atop a hill in the distance. No wonder they hadn't heard from König, this place looked like a medieval prison.

It would be a miracle if your ear pieces even worked inside the property.

You watched as crows squawked in the distance as they flew behind the building, a ominous feeling creeping in your bones at the likelihood of coming across something dark and twisted once you entered the fortress.

Looking back down at the letter, your voice comes out soft, "Can I have a few minutes?"

No one asked any questions, piling out of the car and leaving you alone with the only piece you had of König.

You didn't want to open the letter. Every fiber of your being was telling you to put it down before you hurt your own feelings reading it. But if something happened tonight, you would regret never opening the letter, especially if....if König wasn't okay.

Because if he wasn't okay, you'd never open that letter. Because if he never says goodbye...if you never read his version of a goodbye, he never really left, right? He'd still be here with you.

Eyes close as you take a deep breathe, your hands flipping the envelope to open the back of it, pulling out the folded piece of paper.

Forcing your eyes open, you begin to read the contents of the paper.

"Dearest Y/n,

I never imagined things would have taken such a turn because of a mistake I made. I realize now that keeping you in the dark, though I thought it was for the best, was actually the worst mistake I could have made in my life.

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