Part 10

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You and König's funeral were held at the same time.

A decision Price and Ghost had made.

From day one, you two had been inseparable and Steiner wasn't going to take that away from you two, even now, after everything.

The two hollowed out, six-feet deep holes for your caskets lay right next to each other. Right next to your parents.

You wondered if your body would be cold when it's inevitably lowered to it's new home. Would the packed in dirt and soil keep you warm as your body rotted until it was nothing but pale and brittle bone. Would it be cold instead? Would König be cold next to you?

Your heart ached at the idea of him alone or cold. Next to you but still out of reach.

Compelling your thoughts to think about anything else, you watched from above as the service took place and you had to admit, Price and Ghost did an exceptional job at planning funerals.

They must have had to much experience in burying their friends.

Flowers, expensive caskets, and a soldier's send off, all to make Steiner believe you two didn't make it out of the compound alive.

You almost hadn't.

Price had to perform cpr on you after you passed out. Your lungs and windpipe had undergone too much. König had caused a lot of tramua before he passed out, your heart giving out from the effort of beating too quickly with the lack of oxygen to your brain.

Apparently, Ghost had to dragged König out of the building by his feet, calling him a "hefty bastard," as Price followed beside him with you in his arms.

You would have loved to be awake to watch that.
And now, watching your fake funeral would have almost been peaceful if it wasn't for the big grumpy German man seated beside you.

"Are you going to huff and puff the whole time," you had asked, crossing your arms in annoyance.

Standing up, he furthers the distance between you, even though it already felt like the two of you were on opposite ends of the world.

He had barely said a word to you since being back.

Any time you stepped into a room he conveniently vanished seconds later. You sat alone on the bed waiting for him to burst in your room but it never happened. He didn't even visit you when you were in the hospital, healing from a bruised windpipe and two broken ribs.

Maybe, Steiner had torn you two apart after all.

"He hates me," you had told Ghost a week ago, sitting in the cafeteria with König nowhere to be found.

He laughs, "There's not a single part of König that could hate you."

Your eyes began to water, voice cracking, "He won't even look at me."

Ghost's expression turned serious as he grabbed your bandaged hand, careful of the stitches underneath, "Give it time. You both have been through a lot."

Your eyes focus back on König as he stood miles away from you.

"I don't know why we have to watch this. Or why I have to watch it with you."


Maybe you should be in that casket. It wouldn't have hurt nearly as much as those word coming from his mouth did.

"Fine," you stand from your chair, waving your hand at the door, "Leave then. I don't want you here anyway."

You wondered if you had imagined the way his eyes flinched at your words. He hadn't shown you any resemblance of emotion or vulnerability since the incident. That would require him to actually be in your presence for more than three seconds.

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