2. bat

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I WORE A long sleeve black turtle neck, allowing the fabric to cover my bare upper body. I slipped a white collared shirt over my messy bun, only bothering with a few buttons as I found a pair of black slacks in the closet. I slipped on my Doc Martens and grabbed my keys and pack of Marlboros.

Passing the full length mirror near the door, I couldn't help but touch the ring that hung at my neck.

Reaching the McLaren, I frowned at the cars that surrounded it. Driving a faster car was more excepted in Europe, and more common. I would most likely have to downgrade if I wanted to blend easier.

Another reason why I despised The States.

Whereas I couldn't stay in one place for more than a few months, Olivia had no issue staying here. Many cities were known for their parties and night life, and as charming and social as she was, it was easy for her to blend in.

Nearing the corner, I noticed the abandoned vintage building. The steps leading to the porch had rotted, the walkway overgrown with plants and trash. Dry grass had reached my waist despite my height, brushing their blades over my shirt.


I touched the words that had slowly peeled from the sign, barely visible underneath the debris that had corroded the paint.

"John, please! Just leave them alone!" a woman cried, her voice heavy with pain and fear.

"You should have listened to me, Laura." the man replied calmly, his hands clenched over the bloodied knife. She may not have noticed her two dead sons behind him, their small bodies splayed unnaturally beneath the table. Their throats had been slit, but not until after he had broken and torn numberous limbs.



"John..." the woman stared at his shaky grip. His body was trembling with what seemed like fear. Perhaps even regret, or guilt.

But I knew better.

He was euphoric.



"You should have listened."

I dropped my fingers from the sign, foreign thoughts crossing my mind as I made my way to the basement.

I want my mommy. Where's my mommy?

We need to hide. I need to save them. Someone save them, please!

I'll take their eyes with me. I always hated the way they stared at me.

I wondered why Olivia chose this of all places to transform it into a club.

Walking down the same steps the children had played on, the wooden floorboards shook with the deep vibrations of the bass. Shaking like the man who killed his two sons and wife before he slit his wrists with the same knife.

The warm aroma of sweat and sex sticking to the bodies of drunken adults filled my senses, and my muscles coiled in response. Although I had stopped breathing, it didn't completely refrain my body into relaxing. My body had grown to hunt for their bodies, and in weaker states made the instinct rise that much furthur. The smell had dimmed, and I attempted to relax my muscles as I opened the doors.

I smirked.

Oh, you clever little bat.

Olivia had obviously made someone use an enchantment or spell on the building. Magic pulsed through the glossed walls, soft warm lights hanging in dim spaces around the place. With the polished marble floors, rugs had been placed near multiple sofas, chairs and tables. A few plants offered some life to the otherwise dead house that was lurked a level above us. With close to 200 masked people dancing to the energetic music, I made my way to the bar area and lifted my hand to the gangly blonde man.

"Bourbon," I told the bartender, desperately needing a release of the stress that had begun to seep through my veins. I pulled a $100 on the table and his eyes brightened.

"You got it, boss." he smirked.

I rubbed my fingers against my temple, allowing the coolness of them to soothe the dull ache that had already begun throbbing in my head.


I hadn't had any form of satisfying my hunger since I left Milan, and despite not wanting to risk discovery, I had grown more mature and conscise with my killings. If I waited too long, I would become messy. Greedy. Entrancing humans came naturally, although I preferred to observe. Will they be missed? Will their death harm or better the world?

I knew it was sick of me to determine who should live or die. I could continue without any form of blood, soul or life. Afterall, I had gone an entire decade in a prison of my own making. Nothing but the walls, a journal, and my punishingly slow heartbeat.

"Lilith!" a familiar voice yelled from across the dance floor, and I turned my head back to meet Olivia running towards me with a child-like grin etched across her face.

It had been 20 years since I had last seen her, but she looked the same. Her auburn hair reached close to her waist, braids running down a few softly curled strands. A satin white spaghetti dress molded to her figure, defining her curves even further. She wore a matching mask, her emerald eyes holding happiness and just a little trouble.

Her arms wrapped around my waist, hugging me as her face pressed against my chest.

I rubbed her shoulders, attempting to comfort her.

"Hey, little bat." I whispered, a small smile playing across my lips.

Her eyes brightened with emotion as she looked up at me, only to quickly be dimmed with worry.

"You look sick, Lil. When was the last time you ate?"

I rolled my eyes as I took a swig of bourbon.

"A very nice Italian man gave me dinner a week or two ago," I said easily. My body tingled as I finished the glass, shaking the ice to signal the bartender.

"You should be going out nightly," Olivia snapped as I watched the bartender pour the liquid honey into my cold glass.

"Mhm." I hummed as a response, bringing the drink to my lips as I allowed it to slide down my throat. I allowed my posture to soften as the smell of the bodies faded, rolling my shoulders to release the tension.

"I thought you weren't drinking anymore." Olivia said as I finished my second glass of bourbon, waiting for the feeling to numb my body.

"Don't get your wings tied up," I murmured, taking a pack of cigarettes and lighter from my back pocket, brushing past her as I brought my lips closer to her ears.

"I have to drink something, afterall."



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