3. bullet

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I PUSHED THE end of the cigarette into my knuckle, the familiar smell of my burning skin bringing me a odd sense of comfort. I stared as the flesh pulled back together, a sickening ritual I have preformed for most of my existence.

Lighting another cigarette, I distracted myself from the alluring smell that stalked behind me.

I leaned against the metal poles of the steps leading outside the club, staring at Olivia's arms that slid around a tattooed woman, who's hand had been resting comfortably at her hips. I looked away when it went down to her ass.

Even as a vampire, she has no issue being close to humans. I smirked, knowing Olivia's touches were very carefully thought of. Despite not being as strong as I was, there was a certain gentleness both our kind had to give. Too soft and we could scare them. Too rough and we could kill them.

Olivia⎯much like myself⎯preferred to find the "lesser" people to prey upon. Whereas my stalking was in the shadows, hers was under the colorful lights and wide, innocent green eyes. Allowing herself to get drugged, only for the victim to realize they were the one being hunted all along.

Taking another long drag from my cigarette, I focused my gaze on the cars that lit the street.

I froze.


I smelled her before I saw her.

Her soft carmel brown hair hung in rings at her elbows, a cropped knitted sweater molding to her petite frame. She wore a pair of black sweatpants that did little to hide the curves I remember brushing over. My hands seemed to burn, desperate to touch her skin that smelled like sun-baked honey and a hint of peaches and linin. Every cell in my body vibrated.


My love.

"Hey little girl," a man slurred, stumbling from the Watson house as he made his way to her. His hand wrapped around her wrists, pulling her harshly to the cement.


My fingers clenched around the metal pole, creating a sickening screech of metal against bone.

In one fluid motion, I appeared behind the man and rotated his neck away from her. The familiar crack of his bones traveled to my fingers and his pulse slowed. My veins hummed with content as I breathed in, allowing his life to be swallowed by mine. His memories became mine. I allowed myself to embrace the feeling as my bones became stronger, my nerves healing as my muscles soothed.

I turned to her collapsed body, her shaky hands offering a few crumpled bills. She looked at me through the dark lashes that framed her wide eyes. They were the comforting, warm chocolate brown I've tried to find in everything I've seen. They held a depth of emotion that reminded me of an innocent deer wandering in a forest. Like two pools of coffee I sipped in the morning while she woke up beside me.

"Amélie?" Olivia breathed. I realized that the metal sound had caused a few people to investigate, only to turn away when they saw the three of us gathered over a still body.

I saw the intensity in my eyes reflected in her gaze, which tore away to look at Olivia.



My phone buzzed with another missed call and I took another swig of my half empty bottle of Jack Daniels.

I left when I realized what I had done. Olivia offered comfort, her voice gentle and soft like she was talking to a scared child.

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