4. knock

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REMEMBER TO EAT tonight xx   - O

I deleted the message, inhaling the rest of my cigarette.

Although I was annoyed at her childish reminder, the thirst has been increasingly painful over the past few days. I had grown used to the ache in my throat, the twist of my nerves and bones if I breathed in the wrong direction. But I had been on edge, my muscles tense and anxious like a predator stalked to kill.

I grabbed my Marlboros and lighter from the porch table, heading inside as I heard timid steps walk down the hallway to my room.

I held my breath as a soft knock brushed against the door.


Although the short sleeve turtleneck cut an inch or two above my abdomen, I was thankful the thick fabric was able to conceal my bare chest. I had changed into a pair of Hello Kitty pajama pants that had belonged to Olivia, but it was not something I had planned to wear in front of anyone. Especially this girl.

I cursed under my breath. 

I'm going to kill that fucking leech. 

I smoothed my expression as I opened the door, focusing on her rich brown eyes.

"Hello," I murmured, my voice calm and gentle. It was a voice I reserved to keep humans at ease. My posture was laid back and open, leaning against the door as I stared down at her small five foot frame.

She wore a short dark green skirt that flowed over her cream thighs. Her white spaghetti tank top allowed me to see the lace of her black bralette, and my fingers burned at the thought of touching the thin fabric.

Her eyes widened, heart rate increasing and my brows furrowed.

Is she already afraid?

Many humans listened to their instincts. They had dimmed over the centuries, but something inside them knew I was dangerous. A predator. That they were no longer the hunter, but the prey.

I leaned closer, holding my breath as I made my body appear smaller. Less threatening, more human.

Like a lion hiding their teeth. 

"Is there something I can do for you?" I asked quietly, hoping not to frighten her again. Her lips parted slightly as her cheeks flushed, blood rushing under her skin as her heartbeat quickened. Her pulse thrummed, a fast drumming that echoed in my ears.


Despite holding my breath, my body reacted to the pheromones that leaked off her skin. It was a heavy, intoxicating aroma that ran over my tongue to the back of my throat like water on dry lips. I looked down at her thighs, that had began to tremble as they clenched together. She rubbed her fingertips together nervously, the sound of her skin touching making me want to moan.

"Olivia said I'm... I'm..." Her breathing was shaky, her eyes not leaving her fidgeting fingers.

I moved slowly, cautiously as I ran my fingers through hers. Her skin burned at my touch, pulse thrumming as I sighed. The warmth melted through my entire body at her touch, and I gazed at her from under my lashes. 

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