6. eat

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MY BODY FROZE at her words.

It must've been a coincidence.

"Bobcats?" I offered and she nodded. Animal attacks were rare, especially in cities like New Orleans.

"They could barely identify them. There were claw marks and bites and most of their organs were missing. I had to see them... their bodies..." Her breathing was heavy and fast, her pulse high with anxiety and adrenaline.

My movements were instinctual. 

I leaned against the edge of the couch, stretching my legs in front of me as I shifted her limbs carefully. The warmth of her body flush with mine as I cradled her frail, shaking body. My fingers ran through a few of her blonde strands and I kept my focus on her heartbeat. Her head was leaned against my breasts, providing support as she looked up at me with tear-filled eyes. Her lips were trembling, and I lifted one of my hands to her face.

My fingers traced the ivory skin underneath her rich, coffee colored eyes. I followed the light sprinkle of freckles on her nose and grazed the bridge of her nose cautiously. Her bones were fragile, the thin layer of skin providing little protection. One wrong movement, a slip in thought, could easily destroy her.

I pulled my hands away from her harshly as realization struck my core.

"I'll be back." I told her, grabbing my keys.

Sébestien was back.

He was going to kill her.


Olivia had built her four-level structure when she moved to New Orleans a few years ago. Like most vampires, she only stayed in a place for a decade or so before anyone grew suspicious. It was a tall building, closer to a mansion than an actual home. It was a fairly modern design, made of stone and tan shade with tall glass windows.

I pulled into her gravel driveway, hands gripping the steering wheel when I parked behind the familiar chrome Hellcat.

I'm going to kill him.

I was inside in seconds, making my way to the upper loft swiftly. My hands wrapped around his neck before he could turn around.

"Sébestien." I low growl rose from my chest as my muscles tensed with hunger. He must've known how easily I could crush his body. I pressed harder against his throat, the crack of his bones running up my arm.

I shivered in anticipation.


"Lilith!" Olivia shrieked in the distance and I dropped him with a sigh. I watched as he crumpled to the floor, hands at his neck.

Olivia's steps grew closer as she made her way to her brother.

His eyes were the same shade of earthy green as Olivia's, his auburn waves darker and tighter than hers. They had the same tan skin tone and long nose that hinted at their French heritage.

He stood, a smirk falling over his full lips.

"Nice to see you again, love." His voice was rougher than I remembered, his French accent heavy. He wore a long, black blazer that hid the definition of muscles that sculpted his tall frame. His eyes dropped to meet mine, lust swirling in his green pools.

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