11. strawberries

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Her body was soft and warm, rising and falling slowly with each heavy breath as she slept. I had been running my fingers through her hair mindlessly before leaving the bed with a curse. If I touched her much longer, my hands would wander to more "sensitive" areas.

I glanced at her longingly for a final moment before I began making her breakfast.

How could she believe I⎯a demon thriving off her lust⎯could control myself around her?

I would need to watch myself even further around her. It would be one thing if she was afraid of me, cowering in a corner and keeping her distance. It would be easier to control my urges. The little humanity I had left would remind myself to leave her be.

Images of her panties riding over her ass in the middle of the night filled my mind.

I scowled at the fridge, reaching for the ingredients.

Vampires and werewolves found their mates among humans, able to tame their desires for their safety. It was a primal urge, but there was a gentle love and care for each other. They were in control, able to adore them harmlessly.

I envied them.

I whisked the eggs, flour and milk in a bowl carefully, the music from my phone singing through the speaker quietly.

des ennuis, des chagrins, des phases

heureux, heureux a en mourir

[ troubles, sorrows, phases ]

[ happy, happy to die ]

I hummed softly to myself as I spread the batter thinly over the buttered pan. While it was cooking, I cut the strawberries and added them to another pan. I poured a few other ingredients to make a strawberry jam, working quietly and diligently. I was focused on the task, my hands moving at blinding speeds.

It had been a few minutes until I heard Camille stir in the sheets, groaning as I heard her bones crack as she stretched. I winced at the sound before I prepared her breakfast plate and slid it onto the counter next to the barstool.

I poured a glass of water and dropped in a few ice cubes before leaning over the counter.

I had taken a shower while she was asleep and had changed into a pair of baggy black sweatpants and a beige compression tank top. I was still wearing Olivia's Hello Kitty socks, something Camille had commented in a drunken slur in the middle of the night.

She walked in the kitchen sluggishly, her feet sliding across the floor as she wiped the tiredness from her eyes. Although her legs remained bare, she wore one of my larger sweaters which offered more coverage than the thin top. Her nose inclined slightly, sniffing at the sweet aroma of the food I had made for her.

I smiled to myself.

She's so cute.

Her eyes ran down my sculpted body, lingering at my chest for a moment before smiling at my feet. She met my gaze with warm cheeks, her eyes still heavy with sleep.

"Good morning," Her voice was raspy, her throat dry with thirst.


I walked over to her, my strides long yet deliberate. I didn't want to move too fast around her, especially in her dazed state.

My fingers twirled through her auburn strands, my thumb running along her cheekbone as I held her face in my hands. I was unable to look away from her gaze, even as I spoke.

"Good morning," I repeated in a low whisper.

Her skin became warmer under my touch, eyes widening at my words as if it surprised her that I could speak.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, my hands falling loosely to my side.

Did she believe I was incompetent? It was true I was drunk in her presence, but I wasn't stupid.

Or maybe...

Had I attracted her unintentionally?

I smirked at the thought, allowing her some space to breathe.

"I made you breakfast. Homemade crêpes with strawberry jam. I can make you some coffee or tea if you'd like as well," I told her, putting away the miscellanious pans and utensils.

I heard her stomach grumble.

A small laugh escaped my lips at the sound, and although I had my back faced to her, Camille huffed in annoyance.

I turned to watch her shove a mouthful of the food into her mouth, her eyes brightening as the taste hit her senses.

"This is amazing, Lilith! Thank you, it's really yummy." she said hurriedly, eating with more intensity.

I smiled at her lightened behavior.

Food made her happy. Noted.

"I thought we could stop by Olivia's this afternoon. She's been wanting a day out since I came to New Orleans and I need to buy you clothes." I told her and she nodded eagerly.

I moved closer to Camille, leaning over the counter as I stared into her chocolate eyes. They looked up at me innocently, though I knew the thoughts in her mind were filled with sin.

I brought my lips to hers, running my tongue over the remnants of the strawberry jam. The warmth of her breath fanned my skin, her pulse wild under my kiss.

My head tilted to the side slightly as I backed away from her, watching her expression morph into desire.

I grinned.

You will ruin me again, won't you?


We drove to Olivia's place in silence, though it wasn't uncomfortable. Camille had been staring out the window, watching the streets turn into trees as we made our way into the middle of the forest to her mansion.

"Will Sébastien be there?" she whispered. I could tell she was trying to hide her fear for him, but it was useless.

I wouldn't tell her that, of course.

I sighed heavily.

"Sébastien is difficult. He's worried for his sister, that's all." I told her. It was true, but only a small part of the tension between us.

It was hard to forgive him for what he did. Olivia reminds me that he has apologized, but it is a futile excuse.

My grip tightened on the leather of the steering wheel as I pulled into the driveway, parking an inch before hitting the Hellcat.

"Does he... I mean, will he want to kill me?" She sounded weaker now, more scared than before. I felt apart of myself constrict at her voice.

I cupped my cold hands over the warm flesh of her cheeks, lifting her face to meet my eyes.

"Nobody will hurt you," I promised her.

Not even me.



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