14. lights

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"HOW ARE YOU feeling?" I asked Camille softly.

She seemed to find it difficult to remain eye contact with me for an extended period of time. She would glance in my direction briefly before turning her attention elsewhere, occupying herself tediously.

It began to upset me.

Was there something else in this small, quaint restaurant that captured her attention? A mere human that had enraptured her more than myself?

I attempted to control my jealousy, already fighting the animalistic urge to caress her skin and run my tongue over every part of her. I wanted to find the secret spots that made her moan and crave for more and wrap her fingers in my hair so tightly that I no longer exist unless for her pleasure.

My hands curled along the metal wire of the table, skin stretching over the bone over my knuckles in unchecked frusteration.

"I'm fine," she responded quickly.

Her fingers were trembling as she lifted the glass to her lips, swallowing thickly. She was currently focused on a painting that hung on the wall behind me, crossing and uncrossing her legs underneath the table nervously. 

"Are you lying to me?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

I sighed and leaned back lazily as I spread my arms over the back of the chair. I tilted my head back briefly, closing my eyes as I breathed in.

Her anxiety was a bitter, sour smell. It became heavier as I spoke, though every movement I made seemed to make her more nervous. No matter how slow or relaxed I appeared, she was tense.

It was more noticeable as I recognized her fear. I was able to distinguish the sickeningly sweet smell of her lust. I could almost taste the arousal that began to form between her thighs and wondered how her body would respond if I touched her. Her body grew more sensitive at each passing moment, unable to contain intself in my presence.

My eyes opened before I leaned in, wild and crazed as they reflected in her deep brown orbs.

"You want me, don't you?" I murmured, my words dark yet soft. I was grasping onto the shred of self-control that had remained, though I could already feel that slipping.

"I can smell it, you know." I whispered as I brought her wrist to my mouth.

I planted a soft kiss on her crescent birthmark, watching as she began to tremble under my touch. Her skin seemed to set ablaze at my touch, unable to hold back her reaction as a whimper escaped her lips.

I locked my eyes with hers as she brought her other hand to cover her mouth, embarassed at the noises I created.

I wanted to pull her hands behind her back and hear every noise she could make. 

"Your body gives you away, Camille." I told her calmly, leaning back just a few inches to give her a moment to recover.

Her face went slack with shock as if I had tased her.

A smirk tugged at my lips.

"How are you feeling?" I repeated, finishing the sazerac as the sharp brandy and cognac rivered down the back of my throat.

She glanced down at her hands, which had begun to touch along the rim of her drink. The warmth of her fingertips made trails along the cool shape of the glass and I became mesmerized at the movements.

"I am a little scared," she admitted, her cheeks a bright shade of pink.

A small twitch of my lips turned up at the sight.

I was already fairly reserved around Olivia, but with Camille? I thought I had distanced myself from her as much as possible. Was it due to my immortality? Did the idea disgust her, being with such a sinful creature? Her heartbeat had always raced in my presence, a mixture of desire and fear.

Despite my cautiousness, I had brought her too close. 

"I'm not scared of you," she said quickly and I met her gaze once again, not realizing I had dropped it in thought.

"Lilith, there's something I need to tell you." she started, focusing on my lips briefly before lifting them back to my eyes.

"I can't be with you." she whispered sadly.

My body began to grow numb at her words, as if they had poisoned me. My thoughts became a suffering mess, eating at my mind as I felt my body slowly begin to rot from the inside out. 

She's leaving me. 

I felt Olivia's hand on my shoulder, though I was unable to register her words.

My gaze remained fixed on the table, eyelids heavy as I spoke with every ounce of strength that remained.

"Olivia will take you home. Goodbye, Camille." I told her flatly.

I stood from the table and made my way outside before I could tell her what I had been suppressing.

I think I've fallen for you.


There was no point in going back to the apartment.

She was likely already there, on the couch as Olivia told her she could move in with her.

Camille would go with her and forget I ever existed. 

"I can't be with you."

Her words still rang in my head, a constant buzz that grew more painful at the memory of her voice.

The worst part of it all was that I knew she was right. Eventually, she would get hurt. She was a soft, gentle little rabbit that came to me hopping on one foot. I was a dangerous predator, my teeth wet with blood as I held her and told her I would not hurt her.

I knew this time would come eventually. I thought I had a few weeks left with her, at the very least. Things like this weren't meant to last. It was all temporary. Our love, her life.

Then why did it hurt this badly? It was like I was suffocating, struggling to allow air to pass through my cracked lips. My lungs became still and solid, unmoving.

It was Amélie's death all over again. 

I had finished half a bottle of Merlot, my anguish slowly subsiding into a dull yet heavy ache. I leaned over the metal frame of the porch, breathing in the cigarette as I watched the people down below.

The dark navy of the sky stood in contrast to the pale lights of buildings, the red lights reflecting in their windows. Jazz music played in the distance, echoing as the people danced and talked about their lives unknowingly. They didn't know of the monsters that haunted them or the nightmares they created. They were blissfully unaware and I envied them all. 

Then I smelled it.

It was brief, the cool wind catching as the smell of smoke and cologne made my body freeze.

He found me.


"Hello, my pet." 



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