8. dreams

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I TURNED TO face her.

Camille's face was paler than usual, eyes darker with a mixture of fear and shock.

I sighed heavily.

"Let's sit down," I told her, my fingers grazing hers. Hers clutched on mine quickly, following me to the velvet couch.

I was quick⎯a blur to her poor eyes⎯while I grabbed a bottle of water and bag of chips. She flinched when I sat beside her, holding the cool bottle to her forehead as I placed the chips in her lap.

I focused on her steady breathing while I spoke.

"Amélie was someone I knew a long time ago. My first lover," I told her, gauging her reaction. She had opened the bag of chips, listening intently as she chewed. It shouldn't have been adorable, but I found myself fighting a smile while I watched her.

"As far as your smell, I have to agree that you do smell delicious." I half-teased, attempting to lift the mood that had lingered with Sébastien's presence.

I knew his behavior was erratic, but there was concern for his sister. Perhaps even for me. Her smell was intoxicating to other supernaturals, not just me. It didn't help that she was weak, even as a human. He'd been trying to warn me. My senses were dimmed while I was around her. I was more at ease, my ears focusing on her rhythm rather than the noises around me. My body became attuned to hers, rather than my surroundings.

She made me weaker.

"You're not human though, are you? None of you are," I could almost see the thoughts turning in her head, a tumble of questions passing as quickly as they came.

I nodded.

"I knew Sébastien and Olivia before they became vampires," I informed her, watching her eyebrows furrow in thought.

Camille nodded quickly. She looked like a puppy, with her wide eyes and eagerness. Her deep brown eyes burned with questions, never leaving my face.

"What are you?" she asked, unable to hide her curiousity. 

I grinned. I could see the trouble reflecting in my eyes as I leaned closer to her.

"A demon." I murmured.

Her pulse raced in response, though if it was because of what I said or my nearness, I wasn't sure.

I stared at her lips, breathing in slowly as her scent enveloped me.

Always so sweet...

I pushed myself away before I could endanger her any futher.

"I was created by Death. Your people have many names for him. Satan, Lucifer, The Devil."

"But what about the other supernaturals? Did he create them too?" she asked.

"Death brings evil. Supernaturals bring balance. Most of us have found comfort living closely with humans. It makes us feel more in touch with their humanity, in one way or another." I told her with a sly wink.

She suddenly became very focused on her bag of chips.

The room became quiet and tense before she spoke.

"What happened to Amélie?" she whispered.

I stiffened.


"She shot herself."

I inhaled deeply, breathing in the sweet smell of Camille's perfume on her skin.

"I never told her I was immortal. All supernaturals have a weakness, and she was mine." I breathed. My skin grew colder, like ice crawling through my veins. I felt my teeth sharpen and quickly closed my eyes before I scared Camille any further. 

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