7. reflection

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"THIS FOOD IS to die for," Camille swooned, devouring the greasy noodles.

I scrunched my nose at the smell.

"I'm sure it's delicious," I offered as she shoved another forkfull of noodles into her mouth.

Vampires are able to consume human food with little dislike. They built a tolerance to comfort their prey into a false sense of ease. 

However, I am not a vampire.

I lived more than twenty years as mortal and did not find food or other sick pleasures appealing. In a way, I was never human. Not entirely.

"Do you want a bite?" she asked, her voice ripping me from my thoughts.

"Want to grab a bite to eat?"

"I appreciate the offer, but I'll have to pass. Thank you," I cringed inwardly.

I've always been more formal⎯aged⎯when I was nervous. The pad of my thumb and pointer finger rubbed together, the friction providing little relief to my anxiousness.

My interactions with mortals were little in the past century. There was more comfort with other supernaturals. Vampires, werewolves and witches were fairly common and able to blend in easily with the humans. I could even tolerate the fae, as obnoxious as they were. Mermaids and other unhumanly creatures that were unable to blend in strayed from humans and relocate based on their closeness.

Even among the supernatural, I was the only one of my kind. A demon created by Death, forever immortal and alone.

"You sound so old," Camille teased.

I tossed her a sly smirk, causing blush to creep slowly from her neck to her cheeks.

It made her auburn waves look more maroon than chocolate as she blushed, a beautiful shade on her ivory skin. Her doe brown eyes stared at me curiously, a sparkle of humor and trouble reflecting in them. She was wearing a pair of my shorts that hung loose on her hips, with a tan short sleeve top that left her shoulders bare and hugged her curves. The knit fabric was thick, but did little to hide her nipples and the shape of her breasts.

My body reflexively leaned closer to her, craving to close the distance between us.

I inhaled deeply, closing my eyes as I savoured her sweet scent. It enveloped me entirely, my nerves buzzing as I craved for a taste of her lips.

Her breathing hitched and I opened my eyes slowly.

She stared at me with wide eyes, her mouth parted slightly in shock as she continued to stare into my hooded gaze.

"Lilith," she whispered.

I moaned at the sound of my name on her lips, the sensations of her scent growing as her heart picked up its pace.

"Y-Your eyes..."

There was a pause as I processed her words.

I unattatched myself from her side, bringing myself to the mirror.

My pale grey eyes had been swallowed in darkness, the whites of my eyes shockingly bright against the dark blackness of my pupils. I gave myself a moment as I watched them shrink, allowing a thin ring of silver to show.

I closed my eyes.

You think you can control yourself?

Sebastien's words echoed in my head.

I heard Camille's fingers brush through her hair in the other room.


I opened my eyes, facing my scowling reflection.

I unbottoned the black sweater I had put on after Sébastien and I had eaten the night before.

My footsteps became heavier as I made my way to Camille, knowing humans were more at ease that way. I would have to get more accustomed to make myself louder and slower if I were to spend more time with her.

I made my way into the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of whiskey as I made my way to her.

Although her heartrate had slowed, I could sense the increasing amount of anticipation that surrounded her. I wanted to laugh at how tangible her excitement was.

I guess she likes monsters.

Despite being obnoxiously loud, Camille still flinched as I sat beside her on the couch. I took a long swig from the bottle before glancing over at her.

She had tied up her hair while I was gone, her waves now in a messy bun. A few strands framed her face and I clenched my fists to keep myself from touching them.

I have denied many of my urges around her. If she was anyone else, I would have taken her there and then. My touches would be desperate as she⎯

"Do you feel any better now?" she asked slowly, her words cautious yet intrigued.

I nodded wordlessly.

Fuck help me and this poor, beautiful creature. 

"I'm sorry for my behavior, Camille. Truly. Would you understand if I said I was only human?" I gave her a lopsided smirk as I tilted my head teasingly.

I watched her face turn a light shade of pink, her heart thrumming a steady 100 beats per minute. Two heartbeats had passed before she glanced down at my bottle of rum.

"Not entirely," she admitted weakly.

I couldn't help the small chuckle that left my lips at her embarrassment.  

There was a knock at the door.

I growled softly, unable to hide my irritation as I heard Sébestien's voice.

"Liiilith!" he sang, but I knew not to trust his playfullness.

Much like his sister.

I made sure not to break the knob as I curled my hand to open the door.

"What the fuck is it, Bestien?" Despite the nickname, I was emotionless as I spoke to him.

"I wanted to check up on your little pet. Smells quite charming, really. Almost as good as Amélie." His smirk grew and I knew she heard him. She was easy to read, with her expressive eyes and open features.

Don't cause a scene, I reminded myself. I inhaled deeply, chest swirling with anger as Camille's panic filled the space between us. 

"What is he talking about?" Camille whispered. Her trembling fingers wrapped around the back of my shirt and Sébastien's grin grew, his sharp canines glinting under the light of the hallway.

"I'm surprised you haven't told her, Lilith. You're not known for keeping secrets," The smugness was evident and my fingers curled, ready to pounce. I pretended not to notice the way his feet shifted uneasily as he spoke, his back bending as he prepared for fight or flight. 

You're not known for keeping secrets.

He chose flight before I could fight. I allowed him to leave, not wanting to cause Camille any further distress due to his presence. His figure moved swiftly as his soft laughter echoed in the streets.

I slammed and locked the door, not wanting to face her.

"Who is Amélie?" 



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