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Hadley was awoken by Fred and George excitedly shaking her awake.

"Wake up, sis!" they shouted together. "It's the last first day of school!"

"Holy cricket!" Hadley leaped out of bed. She ran downstairs with her brothers, excitement filling the air.

Today was her last train ride to Hogwarts. They were seventh years; the kings of the school.

"Morning, Mum," the triplets greatest their mother, who was preparing that morning's breakfast. Many Order members, including Tonks, were already awake and ready for the day. They'd be escorting the kids to platform 9 ¾ to ensure their safety during these darkening times.

Hadley stole a strip of bacon from the plate on the counter, taking a bite as she sat down at the table. Fred pulled out the notebook with their pranks for that year, many of which included the sweets that they had spent all summer perfecting.

The Skiving Snackbox. They might look like normal candies, but each one was jinxed with a different spell. They'd invented them for an excuse to get out of class, but they were prepared to sneak some to their least favorite students and faculty members.

Aka Filch.

Aka Snape.

Aka Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle— you get the idea.

Molly set a pitcher of orange juice down on the table. Fred covered up their scheming notebook with his arms – which got him a narrowed look from Mad-Eye – and George poured the three of them a glass of juice each.

"Here's to us," George said in a fancy voice as he raised his glass of orange juice, Fred and Hadley doing the same, "the Weasley triplets: the kings and queen of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

"To us," Fred and Hadley agreed, the three of them clinking their glasses before taking a sip.

"Don't go thinking that the rules don't apply to you just because you're seventh years now," Molly said as she sent her middle kids a stern look, which was mostly directed at Hadley. "I don't want any letters about library disruptions, class interferences, or pranks gone horribly wrong."

"We have absolutely no idea what you're talking about." Fred shook his head.

"We're saints," George added.

"We're angels." Hadley sighed dreamily and leaned her head onto George's shoulder, the three of them harmonizing angelically as if they had invisible golden halos floating over their heads.

"Well, let's see how angelic you can be when you get to Hogwarts." Molly sent the Troublemakers a pointed look. The triplets exchanged a glance and stifled their laughter as their mum went back to cooking breakfast.

"She's right, you know," Mad-Eye said. "You three have caused a lot of ruckus these past years."

"We make things interesting," Fred defended them, shrugging.

"We bring the fun," George agreed, nodding.

"I wasn't made Head Girl for nothing." Hadley sat up straighter and smirked proudly.

"You?" Tonks let out a scoff-like chuckle. "I have a hard time believing that you're Head Girl."

"It's true," Fred jumped to his sister's defense.

"She is." George nodded in confirmation. "She was a prefect these last two years, too."

"You see, Tonks, despite my 'childish' attitude and my 'defiance of authority', I'm brilliant academically." Hadley used air quotes as she spoke, using Tonks' own words against her. "I got Os on all of my O.W.L.s and intended to do the same with my N.E.W.T.s, so it looks like I'll be seeing you next year for auror training."

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