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The Gryffindor common room was filled with chatter on Friday evening. The first week of school had gone by quickly, and the students were ready to relax and enjoy their weekend.

Fred, George, and Hadley sat down with a group of first years, each triplet holding out a Skiving Snackbox.

"Skiving Snackboxes," Fred told the younger Gryffindors.

"Sweets that make you ill," George explained.

"Get you out of class whenever you like," Hadley added.

"Obtain hours of pleasure from unprofitable boredom," George said.

A first year boy groaned when his cheeks and chin were pulled down, making it look like he had a beard made of skin.

"Care for another?" Fred asked as he held the box of sweets out to him.

"How long do the effects last?" a first year girl asked as she examined a Fever Fudge, uncertainty in her voice.

"One half makes you sick, and the second half is the antidote," Hadley told her. "Eat the first half to get out of class, and then eat the second once you've left. They're safe. We've already tested them."

"We're gonna make a fortune off of these." George high-fived Hadley and Fred as they left the first years to explore the wonders and effects of the Skiving Snackboxes.

Hadley went back to her dorm room for the night. She flopped down on her bed, but a hooting from outside caught her attention. With furrowed brows, she walked over to the window and opened it up. She instantly recognized it as the Order's owl. He had a letter, and he swooped in through the window, dropping it onto Hadley's bed before gracefully swooping out.

Hadley sat down cross-legged on her bed. There was a purple wax seal with a T stamped onto it.

"Took her long enough to reply," Hadley muttered. She leaned back against the headboard and opened the letter. Her eyes scanned Tonks' messy handwriting, all of a sudden feeling homesick for 12 Grimmauld Place.


First of all, you are such a smart ass. When I told you to be mature, I didn't mean for you to send me an entire package with proof. It was a miracle that Apollo was able to bring it all the way back to London. He had to rest for a couple days to recover.

Second, your mum wanted me to let you know that she is grateful for not receiving any letters about detentions or class disruptions and to keep it up. The same goes to Fred and George.

I'll admit, it's been too quiet around here without you. I keep waiting for you to pop up out of nowhere and scare me, but it's nice knowing that I can turn a corner without you waiting there.

B̶u̶t̶ ̶I̶ ̶d̶o̶ ̶m̶i̶s̶s̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶.̶

A small smile spread across Hadley's lips at the crossed out text. Why Tonks felt like she had to do that, she wasn't sure.

I know it's tempting, but don't blow anything up.


I've enclosed a gift from Remus. He sends his best wishes.

Hadley looked inside the envelope. She took out a bar of candy, and attached to it was a note:

It's alright. It's chocolate; no magical jinxes. Future Aurors need to keep their strength up. Study hard and stay out of trouble.

~ Remus Lupin

Hadley unwrapped the chocolate bar and broke off one of the squares. She wrapped the rest up for later and stashed it away in the drawer of her nightstand along with Tonks' letter. She sat down by the window, her eyes watching the twinkling stars above her as she wondered what her favorite Hufflepuff was up to at this moment.

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Hadley used to love Defense Against the Dark Arts. Next to Charms, it was her favorite class. Yes, they had a new teacher every year, two of which turned out to be working for the Dark Lord – Professor Quirrell had Voldemort living on the back of his head hidden by a turban, and a Death Eater had used Polyjuice Potion to pose as Mad-Eye Moody all last year.

But Professor Dolores Umbridge won the award for worst DADA teacher Hogwarts has ever had.

She screamed dictator. Everything she owned was pink. She talked in this annoying soft-spoken voice that reeked of ulterior motive and had a high-pitched giggle she would do whenever a student got in trouble for misbehaving in her class. She didn't allow them to use magic or learn defensive spells. She didn't even teach them how they were meant to pass their N.E.W.T exams when she wasn't teaching them the skills that they would need.

Hadley rested her chin in her hand, her quill moving across a sheet of parchment. She bit her tongue to keep in her snickers as she drew a picture of Umbridge in her true form – a troll. She showed the drawing to Fred, and he covered his mouth to stifle his laughter, in turn, making Hadley chuckle a little.

"Is there something you'd like to share with the class, Miss Weasley?" Umbridge asked, raising a brow at the youngest triplet. Hadley shook her head and covered up the drawing with her arms as the professor walked over to her and Fred's desk. Umbridge eyed the parchment underneath the baggy sleeves of her robe. She pulled out her wand and used it to lift it up, a deep frown tugging at her lips. Her hard eyes narrowed at the redhead girl, who visibly gulped.

"This isn't gonna be good," George whispered from the desk behind his siblings. Fred nodded in agreement, worry washing across his features as he looked between Hadley's anxious blue orbs and Umbridge's fake smile.

"See me later, Miss Weasley...My office." Umbridge giggled and turned to go back to the front of the class, the drawing Hadley made catching fire and falling into a pile of ash on the floor.

"We'll pray for you, sis," Fred and George said in unison as Hadley sank down in her chair, a bad feeling growing in the pit of her stomach.

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poor hadley doesn't know what's coming 😬


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