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Arthur Weasley was out of the hospital by Christmas. He proposed a toast to Harry, "to whom of which he would not be here", and they spent the morning opening presents. Molly had made the triplets matching scarfs, something she did every year since Fred, George, and Hadley loved to match their outfits with each other.

Once all the excitement of the holiday had died down, Hadley went upstairs to Tonks' room. She'd gotten her a Christmas gift as an apology for being a pain in the ass during the time that they've known each other. She knocked softly on her bedroom door, and Tonks opened it a few seconds later, smiling when she saw Hadley on the other side.

She's smiling at me...She's actually smiling at me.

When was the last time Tonks was happy to see me?

"Hadley, I was just coming to find you." Tonks took the redhead's arm and pulled her into the room, closing the door behind them.

"You were?" Hadley was slightly taken aback by the confession. Tonks nodded, still smiling.

"Yeah, I got you something." Tonks went over to her closet and began rummaging through it.

"You...got me something," Hadley repeated in disbelief.

Tonks took a gift bag out and turned to face the younger girl. "Well don't sound so surprised." She chuckled. "It's Christmas, Haddie." She walked over to her and handed her the bag. Hadley eyed it suspiciously, but she took it anyway and gave Tonks her gift.

Hadley took out the blue tissue paper. In the bag were some different Honeydukes sweets, a leather notebook, a purple quill, and a bottle of ink.

"It's not just an ordinary notebook," Tonks said. She went over to her desk and picked up one that was identical to Hadley's. "You write in it, and whatever you write will appear in mine. It's kind of like how Muggles communicate with those telephone thingies, only magical and much more cool."

"Wicked." Hadley breathed out in awe. She sat down on the floor and took the notebook, quill, and ink out of the bag. She opened up to the first page, dipped the quill into the ink, and wrote something: You got this so that we could keep in touch?

Tonks opened up her book, and the words appeared on the page. She dipped her quill into her ink and wrote a reply: It's faster than using an owl. Perfect in case of an emergency.

"This is so cool." Hadley smiled as she watched the words appear below her question. She looked up at Tonks. "But how will we know when we've received a message? It's not like we're going to have the book on us at all times."

"That's what these are for." Tonks held up her wrist, which had two golden bracelets on it. She took one of them off and gave it to Hadley. "It's connected to the book. Whenever one of us gets a new message, it'll glow."

Hadley wrote something – This is bloody brilliant – and watched as the bracelet on Tonks' wrist lit up. "Woah. Cool."

"Better not let Fred and George find out," Tonks said as she unwrapped her gift from Hadley. "Then they'll be wondering where they can get one of their own, and I want this to be our thing."

Our thing.

Tonks let out a small laugh when she saw what Hadley had gotten her. It was a scrapbook full of moving pictures from all the times she had pranked her over the summer. "Honestly, I don't know what I was expecting from you." She chuckled and shook her head. "You're annoying."

"But you're warming up to me." Hadley smiled cheekily at the older witch.

Tonks rolled her eyes with a playful scoff. "That doesn't make you any less annoying."

─── ⋆·✧·⋆ ───


short and sweet because motivation has been slow 🦥


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