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Hadley's feet felt like they were being pulled down by heavy weights as she walked through the corridor to Professor Umbridge's office. She'd heard whisperings about what she does to students when they get detention with her, and she would much rather have gotten detention with Snape than this horrid pink-loving troll.

She took a deep breath and smoothed down her robe before raising her hand and knocking on Umbridge's office door. She heard a faint "Come in" and opened the door. She had to refrain herself from gagging at the amount of pink in the woman's office.

"Good evening, Miss Weasley. Sit." Umbridge smiled at the teenager and motioned for her to take a seat at a smaller desk that sat diagonal to hers. "You're going to be doing some lines for me."

Hadley sat down. There was a sheet of parchment and a black quill, yet there wasn't any ink. How did Umbridge expect her to write without any ink?

"Now, I want you to write, 'I must not make fun of my professors'," Umbridge told her as she stood up and walked over to stand behind Hadley.

"You haven't given me any ink," Hadley said, irritation in her voice. "How am I supposed to do lines without ink?"

"You won't be needing any ink, Miss Weasley." There was a menacing tone in Umbridge's voice. It was concerning, and Hadley was beginning to get a bad feeling.

With a shaky hand, the redhead reached out for the quill. She began to write. Her left hand felt a little tingly. She shook it and began to write the second line. Her hand started to hurt, almost as if someone was digging a blade into her skin. She let out a small, pained gasp and looked down, horrified by what she saw.

She stared between the quill, the writing in blood on the parchment, and the words I must not make fun of my professors cut into the back of her left hand. She looked up at Umbridge, who looked down at her with faux concern.


Hadley gulped and shook her head, blinking back tears. She wouldn't give this troll the satisfaction of making her cry. "N-Nothing, Professor."

"That's right." Umbridge grinned cruelly. "Because you know...deep down...that you deserve to be punished. All naughty children do." She motioned for Hadley to continue writing, which the teenager did, not wanting to risk further punishment.

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Visits to Hogsmeade Village were always highly anticipated. This time around, however, instead of getting sweets from Honeydukes and prank supplies from Zonko's Joke Shop, the Weasley triplets were gathered in the Hog's Head for a secret meeting with a group of their peers.

It was Hermione's idea. She knew how vital it was that they be able to defend themselves against the dark forces arising. Umbridge wasn't teaching them what they needed to know, but Harry would. He knew first-hand what it was like to battle evil.

After signing her name and joining Dumbledore's Army, Hadley left the pub and was about to start the walk back to the castle when a flash of white caught her eye. She spotted familiar purple locks disappearing behind one of the buildings and followed, quickly glancing over her shoulder to make sure no one was watching her.

"What are you doing here?" Hadley asked as she turned the corner and saw Tonks.

"I'm your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, why else would I be here?" the Auror replied sarcastically with a roll of her eyes. She put her hands on her hips. "I came here to check on you. Molly got a letter from Professor Umbridge saying you got detention."

"It was completely unfair." Hadley crossed her arms and leaned back against the cold brick wall. "She walks around the school acting like she bloody owns the place and expects students not to make fun of her behind her back? She's a fucking tyrant!" She threw her left hand up dramatically.

Tonks frowned deeply when she saw cuts on the back of Hadley's hand. "What happened to your hand?" she asked, concern filling her eyes.

"What? Nothing." Hadley tucked her left hand into her coat pocket and showed Tonks her right hand. "It's fine, see?"

"Your other hand." Tonks pulled Hadley's hand out of her pocket, frowning at the deep scar. She delicately brushed her fingers across the back of the younger girl's hand. Hadley winced a little in pain. "Hadley, what happened?"

"It's nothing–"

"Don't lie to me. This is serious. What happened?" Tonks asked again, more firm.

"Tonks, it's really not a big deal." Hadley sighed and pulled her hand away. She stuffed it into her coat pocket again.

"Did someone do that to you?" Tonks sounded as if she was genuinely worried about Hadley. She took a couple steps closer to the redhead and gently lifted her chin up so she would look at her. "Please just tell me what happened. I'm not gonna be mad."

Hadley exhaled slowly, chewing the inside of her cheek. "It was Umbridge...She made me write with this quill," she admitted, her stomach churning as she remembered the events of her detention the other night. The concern in Tonks' eyes shifted to a mixture of anger and horror as Hadley told her about how the quill was cursed to carve whatever the writer wrote on paper onto the back of their hand.

"Hadley, you have to report that," Tonks said. "You have to go to Dumbledore, o-or Professor McGonagall."

"What difference would it make?" Hadley asked, sighing again. "She's using her position at the Ministry to get away with things. She's practically taking over the entire school. Besides, half the time, we don't even know where Dumbledore is."

Tonks' frown deepened. "What do you mean you don't know where Dumbledore is?"

"He just comes and goes. That's what Harry's been saying to Ron and Hermione, anyway. We haven't seen him nearly as much this year as we have in years prior. I'm pretty sure Umbridge is going after his job."

"That's...not good." Tonks sighed, shaking her head. "Try to be more careful, okay? And stay out of trouble. You might be a pain, but...I care about you. I don't want her hurting you any more than she already has."

"Who are you and what have you done with Nymphadora Tonks?" Hadley eyed the older girl suspiciously, but smirked a little when Tonks narrowed her eyes at her.

"Don't be a smart ass, Weasley."

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im so burnt out from finals week, but i found time to get this chapter written! my christmas break starts on friday, so i'm gonna try to update more over the break!

this is an umbitch hate club and im the president. who's joining?

tonks cares about hadley 🥺


𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐫 | n. tonksWhere stories live. Discover now