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Peace and quiet

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Peace and quiet

2 words but mean everything.

One soul, one body, one word, one feel, but many things. 

Library, one place that if someone wants to sit down, reading books, listening to music, and becoming their own soul

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Library, one place that if someone wants to sit down, reading books, listening to music, and becoming their own soul.

But, can you imagine, if a library can walk, can talk, can think, and can hurt sometimes?

Nothing to do, just blank, just like white paper without any word.

When someone (writer) say something like 

"banyak hal yang tidak perlu kamu beritahu ke orang lain… karena bisa saja mereka hanya penasaran, bukan peduli"

Let's get back to the "North Sea" part, shall we?

flashback POV on

"Dive deep into the sound, But don't go too far or you'll drown"

Deep in my heart, i really want to know more and help him that much, but some people say, just forget it. 

But still, I can't.

Cause, i know how it feels to had depression, loneliness, no friendship, life without love, and keep live even though many times I try to make something bad.

flashback POV off

Everyone go to the library when they don't know anything about something (it can be knowledge, maps, etc), and then they go away, after they finish to read or study, am i right?

Question to you

"what is the different between people come and go to our lifes and people come and go to the library?"

Can you answer that?

i suggested most of the reader will answer like this

"People come and go to our life, adalah mereka yang datang hanya sementara lalu setelah masanya habis dia akan pergi, sedangkan people come and go to the library, adalah orang-orang yang mau menimba ilmu dan mencari pengetahuan tentang yang dia pelajari"


"People come and go to our life, adalah mereka yang hanya penasaran setelah rasa penasaran itu hilang, mereka juga akan menghilang. Sedangkan people come and go to the library, adalah orang yang mau belajar dan menimba ilmu, tapi memangnya masih ada orang yang mau ke perpustakaan di zaman serba online?"

Simple? Yes for the answer of the question, but if you got a chance, will you finish only that chapter anyway? or, you will come and come again to read and continue to know more?

Now, I'm stuck here.

That library were gone

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

That library were gone. You think, it will disappear? Maybe yes, maybe no. Will you stay forever here to continue reading your book over and over again? I don't think so. Do you like the library? Yes, because i like something peace and quiet, no many word from outside, but if you ask, do you love the library? I will try, after i know my place.

Puja-puji tanpa kata mata kita yang bicara, selalu nyaman bersama, janji tak kan kemana-mana, yaa???

Familiar with this sentence? 

Hanya kamu yang mengerti gelombang kepala ini…

Intuition?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang