Chapter 8

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                                  Chapter 8

Breakfast in bed is not a bad way to start the day.

Jess had to wake him up early for the exhibition, and Eliza brings him some food straight from the shopping center. Sweet, chewy clatter rib sticks. Against Eliza's constant advice, he eats them up both rather quickly. 

He's not likely to grow hungry today. His will is already salivating at the violence approaching. Its gotta be pretty frustrating for this power flowing through him to be able to relax in tranquility. Its like a beast begging for food on most days here, and now he's going to give it a meal. Maybe take it for a walk.

Where's his mind going? Where is he again?

"Are you almost ready?" Eliza asks from outside. 

"Open up."

His cousin runs in and clamps him in her grip. 

"I know you'll do this, Leon. Do you?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

Jess leans in the door way, eyes downcast and thumbs pushing together.

"I'll be fine." he says while  looking past Jess.

"You remember, everything I told you, right?" Jess asks.

"Got it all." 

"The Alpha Guard will be arriving shortly." Eliza says.

"Good blessing, and, please..."

Jess raises his head. "Come back safe, all right?''

Pausing just beside Jess, the two make direct eye contact.

"I'm glad I met you.'' Leon says.

Leon is escorted outside castle grounds by two members of the Alpha Guard, one of them the man he had attacked in the magistrate's tower, Ledrick. 

"Better kick them a lot harder." is all he has to say to Leon.

Already out at the carriage are four beta guards along with Elmer and Neltwit. Leon barely recognizes them this time, with both covered in full plate armor, including gauntlets.  Neltwit has a steel cap that covers everything but his face. Neltwit carries a Morningstar, the spiked top currently covered in a form fitting cap, and Elmer has a Warhammer with a grip handle that fit in his enormous palm.

The sides of the carriage open up into a three step set of stairs. The carriage is larger than the one he and Eliza took, more easily accomadating Elmer's girth. The boys are near pushed up through the door, and once they were in, the other four gesture for Leon to come.

"He's not even going to take armor?" one of them asks.

"Said he didn't need it. Never seen one so cocky." Ledrick remarks.

Armor doesn't really work well with will.  Will reacts within the vessel it flows through. He would have to channel it through both body and armor, which uses more of it, more quickly. For everything. He tried armor once and it didn't work too well.

Clothes don't seem to be a problem. Leon's best guess is there's a certain degree of thickness that eventually starts to interfere with it.

"Hey, I recognize ya." Neltwit says as Leon sits on the floor between them. 

"Elmer, dis is da lightweight heavyweight who broke a table with his fist."

"Oh...hey, if you survive, tell that boy I'm really, really, really, really-

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