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The work load for Eliza is finally winding down. Interview after interview, event after event. Being the heroine, the figure head of Schopengaard's renovation was more than she could imagine. It was similar to how her archery classes started, with all of the hardest and most demanding drills coming at the start before easing into a more manageable routine.

It has been quite a quarter, hasn't it? She came here with a bare plan and hope. She came out with a greater understanding of herself than she ever had before. Not just being fifty percent celestial, but realizing just how she had been treating those around her for the longest time. and it was only after that discovery she realized her 'dream' of being a person of admiration. A 'heroine'. 

Not that she intends to dwell on it. There is nothing to do except move forward and hope for the best.

The carriage brings her to the revamped Schopengaard. Its an incredible sight to see how quickly they have worked. The central building looks much more like a school now. A bulky, somewhat ovular black building with a flight of stairs leading to a pair of double doors. The dorms and various stores were now their own buildings on the outside, all connected to each other by a marble path way.

Prima, she hardly had the time to appreciate the old lay out.

She is dropped off and walks down the path. Its much more practical and less cluttered, but, she will still miss the way the school had been before.

Entering through the doors brought her to a split hall way with the staff offices on either side while the path in the front would lead to the class rooms. From what she heard, the academic class rooms made up the entirety of the first floor while the combat and casting rooms made up the second.

Eliza goes all the way down to the left of the second hall way. There wasn't much security around at this point. She hadn't known yet the fate of the alpha guard. Eliza would not mind them getting booted from the academy after actively aiding Apopis. Yes, they were thinking of the school's safety, but some of what they did could not be forgiven even with that in mind.

Eliza knocks on the door to the headmaster's office.

"Come in."

Eliza opens the door to see Zhou.

She was not entirely sure how far she trusts this man, but for the moment their aims seem to be aligned enough. and if they are not, unfortunately, the only way to uncover that is to work with him. 

"You look like an animal about to be put out to pasture. Please, take a seat."

"I am tired, yes, but I hope you are exaggerating." Eliza says as she sits in a nearby chair.

"No, you have taken it quite well. I front loaded your schedule. We had to establish you as a brand quickly if being able to maintain this presence and finish class work is to even be manageable. If you find either too much-

"I assure you. I can handle it." Eliza says.

She has no place casting off this responsibility. When she wished for it so terribly. When it came at the cost of a student's life, and the trauma inflicted on others. She will do something positive with it.

"Your work is going towards a proper cause. A new elf, one of color at that, becoming prominent in the public eye like this is very important. But I want to specifically comment on the things you said about Magarie to the press. That, was something I did not think of, and while I wish I had, I don't think it would have been so effective if it were not from the heart."

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