Chapter 41

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                                                    Chapter 41

Magarie cannot say for certain that Schopengaard is back to normal, but what she can say is they don't have to fear Apopis any longer. Without their master, the remaining eyes will have no reason to come back. With no master, none of the knights can come back to life.

Enough time has passed for that to sink in. The sky is shining brightly on a safe Schopengaard. It's the one relief she can feel in this whole situation. That weight is finally lifted from her. No one else died.  There's no more threat. She doesn't have to see the bolgias any more. She's no one's spy. No one's slave.

Apopis's hold over her is gone.

That idiot did it.

No, they all did. They did the impossible. They never should have survived that. All of them went beyond what Magarie ever thought they could. 

She lets out a stuttered breath when a knock comes at her door. They must be making sure she shows up. Her appointment is coming up soon.

"Don't worry, I'm heading out soon." Magarie says, opening to find someone else entirely.

"I was worried I was gonna miss ya." Bellonda says.

"Bellonda? What are you doing here?" Magarie asks.

Bellonda knocking at her door is surreal enough, but with a smile on her face while doing so even.

"For someone who fought Apopis, you don't look so bad." Bellonda says.

Bellonda is right: those burns healed oddly quickly. Her kuoi has been very different since the death of Apopis. 

"I didn't see you up there fighting Apopis. You have a brain after all." Magarie says.

"I wasn't sure if you'd be mad about that or not." Bellonda says.

"None of you should've had to fight any way." Magarie says.

"Thanks. Of all the people, I never thought you'd be the one to see it my way." Bellonda says.

"You stooged them out, didn't you?" Magarie asks.

Bellonda cringes.

"You're gonna yell at me too?" she asks.

Bellonda of all people being yelled at? Magarie never thought she would see the day.

She must have figured she was being the selfless heroine. They found out what Magarie knew all along: that Bellonda is a manipulative crete who will use and bully others into doing what she wants.

"Well? You know you wanna get it out." Bellonda says.

There's a chance this is the last time her and Bellonda talk to each other. It's hard to say what the magistrates will decide to do with her.

"I'll get it all out now."

Bellonda tenses up.

"I won't pretend the rare times you were nice to me make up for everything else. It doesn't change that, before I opened my mouth, you called me a freak in front of the class. You made yourself the pretty princess heroine standing up to the monster."


"You could have helped me. You could've used that charisma and charm of yours to make people less afraid of me. Or you could've left me alone. Instead, you had to be the heroine. and I had to be the beast.  You had to take my life, which was absolute hells, and make it, even, worse!"

Bellonda backs up nervously.

"and make no mistake, if I end up getting expelled from this school, you'll find a new target. You can't live without some 'nemesis' to prop up that fragile ego.  There's a lot of people I owe apologies to, but you aren't one of them. You never will be."

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