2: On the move

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"What's the move then, I can't just throw it all at her and hope for the best." I'm on the phone with the old man.

"Well Jotaro, you'll just have to do it the old fashioned way. Be nice! Make friends with her! Join her little club of ocean nerds, go to class like a normal student, just play nice until she either figures out what's going on and tries to kill you or you find out she's a totally normal girl with a very malicious blood line." He speaks with his usual up beat attitude

"I'm not-" I protest but he immediately cuts me off

"You'll do it or I will pull all of the founding for this college out from under your ass in a heartbeat. I may not use it often, but I have just as strong of a will as you do. You know you didn't get it from your mother." Old bastard has a point

"Fine. I'll play nice, but i'm still going to do it my way." I hang up the phone

        Like it or not, the old man has a point. As much as i'd like to, the way I would with any other user, just throw it in their face. Fight my fight and leave. I can't. For all we know, she could be just as powerful as Dio was. Hell, she could be even more powerful, more dangerous. I can't by myself at least... I need a new crew. More trusted, strong users.

        I could call in Josuke and his boy, but they've never dealt with the strength that comes with Dio. Polnareff is an option, but he hardly made it out of that alive the first time. Asking him to participate in what could very well be round two would be rude. Even for me. I can't just approach Giorno and ask for help either, while Koichi said he seems harmless. Works for good or whatever, those Mafia members wouldn't trust me as far as they could throw me. It wouldn't be right to just throw Giorno's family history in his face and beg for help either. It's just me this time.

"Hey! You finally got up." Saffron enters the dorm room, books in hand.

"Yeah uh, had to make some call's. Skipped class because i already did the assignments." I shrug her off as she placed her books on a shelf, swapping them out for another set.

"I uh, I know we didn't get off on a great foot but I was thinking, moreso hoping, um..." She's nervous. I wouldn't expect her to be anything but a show boat knowing her father.

"Spit it out." I roll my eye's.

"I need help with my biochem class. Like desperately... I took it once already. Over the summer before our real term started, i just knew i wouldn't be good at it so i wanted a head start. I'm so bad i'm surprised they even allowed me to take it again. Like, absolutely awful. I figured since you're like some mega genius and we will probably be seeing a lot of eachother considering we live together than maybe you could help? I can pay you! I have money, I know how to cook really well! Japanese food is a specialty of mine! I can sew, i can uh-" God she can ramble.

"Shut up, goddamn. You talk too much." I shake my head, her face gets red with embarrassment.

"I uh..." She's quiet again.

"I'll help. I don't need money though, I'd appreciate food every now and then that wasn't made by imbecile teenagers in the cafeteria." I agree to help and she lights up immediately.

"Yay! Thank you!" She cheers, running up and hugging me.

"Uh- Okay." I just accept it, I have to play nice or whatever.

"Come on! We've got 15 minutes to grab a snack and get to class." She chirps happily and pulls me along.

"What?" I question

"If you're going to help then you have to come to class, duh. I cant be lost for 45 minutes then expect you to be able to just fix it." Shes laughs a little and continues to pull me.

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