18: Beginings

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Saffrons POV

I get off my flight and immediately begin to look around the airport. I don't know why, but the second I stepped off the plane i've felt eyes on me.

"You're sharp, Okuyasu didn't mention that." A voice says from the table behind me, I've already wrapped him in vines

"You know Okuyasu?" I ask, not yet turning around

"He sent you here to meet me, did he not?" The voice is cocky

"You must be Rohan." I Smile and quickly turn

"You must be the infamous Saffron Bruno." His face is monotone as he speaks

"I don't associate with that last name. That man was a monster, he took life without a care and ruined those around him as though he were kicking dust around. I try my best to do the complete opposite of that." I shrug and take the seat across from him

"Okuyasu says you may need something from me?" He asks with a raised brow

"I have money, I am able to pay you. I would like you to use Heavans door to implant the knowledge of all languages. Italian if you're going to be difficult, but i'd like them all. After I go to Italy and do what i need to do, collect who i need to collect, I plan to take them wherever they need. Therefore I really need to speak all languages..." I ask hopefully and he sits up straight, looking at me with a look that says he has a plan.

"I will do as you ask, under one condition. You take me along on these journeys... Not the end goal. You and your brother deserve peace, you can raise him wherever it is you end up. I will give you that ability if you take me with on the journey up until then. It would make for an amazing manga story. If you refuse, so be it. I will grant you with italian and that is all." He crosses his arms as he speaks

"So, Yasu did tell you everything?" I ask and he nods

"Okuyasu told me a bit. He said the details were yours to spare, but chopped it up to him seeing much of himself in you. He understood your need to protect your younger brother, even if never having known him. I don't know your sob story of a background, nor do i know his. I would like to though, and in return I require no payment. Just the pleasure of accompanying you, I will also have your back in any fight you may encounter." He proposes his offer

"Jotaro, does he trust you? Josuke? Koichi? All of them?" I question back

"Yes. I've fought my share of battles with them." He replies with a nod

"Then yes. You may come along, my only rule though is you cannot at any point in time tell anyone where I am. Not even Yasu... He helped me which I will forever be thankful for but I cannot put Jotaro or his family at risk again. I won't. Promise me you won't tell anyone and I will allow you to do whatever it is you need on this trip." I counter him

"Deal." He sticks his hand out for me to shake

"Let's do this then." I smile and he pulls his stand out and writes in me before I can even process what's happened

"It is done. Come, I will go home and pack then we will be on our way." He pushes in his chair and I follow

"May I ask a few questions?" I asks as we walk

"Of course." I reply kindly

"You and Jotaro, you're an item. Yes?" He continues to stare ahead as he speaks

"Yes and No. Nothing official yet, we haven't gotten that far. Luckily and sadly.... Luckily in the sense that I didn't run away and leave him with an abandoned relationship. Sadly in the sense that I really felt myself beginning to love him... And if i never see him again it may be the worst feeling i'll ever deal with in my life. But despite how I may feel, the love I give, or who I may miss...My duty is to get Giorno. To make sure he has the life and childhood he deserves." I hold back tears as I speak

"May I buy you a cup of coffee and maybe go a bit more into detail?" He stops in front of a starbucks

"I would be okay with that." I nod and he smiles for the first time

We get our coffee and fine the table as far from anyone as possible.

"I now know you are deeply in love with Jotaro and his family, my words not yours, I know. But may i ask why you've chose this path over love?" He takes out a notebook and stares

"You're right, I quickly learned to love that family and that boy more than anyone i've loved in my life. However, Giorno comes goes first. I may have never met him, but he is the only family i've ever had. Ever... Knowing our father is the same only leads me to think our mothers are incredibly similar too. By that i mean dead. Which means he's an orphan. He is a 15 year old kid, a literal child, in the mafia! I may have been raped, assaulted, abused, and a run away living in my car but I was never in the mafia. I've had my fare share of blood shed, but only ever because i've had to. If he is in that group? He could be killing people due to orders. He's a child... he deserves a parent and a childhood. Not a full time, life threatening, murderous job. I may love that family with everything I thought I had, but I love that child more. Even If it kills me, I will give him the life he deserves." I wipe my eyes quickly as I speak and he writes frantically

"You don't want him to go through anything unnecessary. I understand and support that... My family was never that kind, for that I will stand by your side through your battles. I promise." He nods in reassurance

"Thank you, Rohan." I take a breath

"Does he know about you?" He asks, his tone goes from eager to kind

"I don't believe so. All I know is he has a stand similar to mine and when I approach he and his group may very well try to kill me... I just hope he is as excepting of me as I am him." I shrug and he nods

"You may be a shock to him, Saffron, but you will be the first and only family or parent he's ever met. He will come around... As for us? Let's get me packed and catch a flight." He grabs my hand in a kind way before we leave our seats and make our way to his place

We quickly arrive, he is already packed as though he was expecting this. Once he grabs his bags, leaves a note on the fridge, and locks the door we see on our way.

"Two one way tickets to Naples, Italy. Please." Rohan asks the lady at the desk

"Of course. Have a great flight." She smiles kindly and sends us on our way

"You ready for this?" Rohan asks as we take our seats on the flight

"Absolutely." I nod and he smiles

"A new adventure around every corner, dear. A new adventure." Rohan smiles as he looks excitedly out the window

God i hope this works.

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