11: Up all night

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Jotaro's POV

"Green and Purple. But not that pissy, yellow green that grandparents paint their kitchens and not blue based purples. Greens like... The stem of a rose bush, ivy leafs. Green like the forest in the sunlight after a storm just passed... Moss, sage, the vibrancy of a garden. I love purples with a pink undertone, like lilacs and lavender. Purple petunias and butterfly bushes. The purple the sky turns when the sun sets. You can't find anything prettier." She speaks as if she's writing a poem

"You really like nature, huh?" I ask, slightly sarcastic

"I know you're being a smart ass but yes. I love nature, it's the only thing you can truly count on to stay the exact same. You know exactly what you're going to get if you do your research." She smiles

"I'll take your word for it." I nod, "How about your favorite animal? Since we're talking nature."

"I have a few but for different reasons. Frogs id say are my first choice. They may be dumb as a box of rocks in most cases, but they're so interesting when you break it down to biology. They are given their will to live by nature, they don't have much of a drive naturally. But some have neon spots to show they're poison, to reflect predators. Even though they couldn't give a damn about what's happening around them, some pare up with large spiders and create a hand in hand relationship to survive. They protect the eggs, the spider protects them. The deeper you look the more interesting they are. My second is cats. They aren't anything special, they aren't even that interesting, but gaining the trust in love of a cat is so much more rewarding than gaining that of a dogs." She explains with that same loving, excited look.

"You talk about these things as if they're your life's fire." I joke

"Yeah, well... I guess i'm just. passionate person." She shrugs

"It's cute. Now uh, Favorite flower." I smile as I speak

"Nightshades. They're one of the prettiest flowers imaginable but deadly." She states bluntly

"Really?" I don't even know what the flower looks like, i just like when she speaks

"Yep." She smiles

"Interesting. Okay, favorite.... Movie?" I'm horrid at thinking of questions

"I'd say it's a good tie between Yellowcard and Greenday." Shes got good taste for sure

"Greenday is a great choice." I compliment

"Thank you." She smiles back

"Do you like to read? If so do you have a favorite book?" I ask and she thinks for a moment

"American Psycho probably, but I don't read much. I prefer movies." She answers after racking her brain

"Okay then, favorite movie?" I ask and she looks at me like i'm insane

"What?" I ask and she laughs

"That's almost an impossible question." She groans

"Well you said almost, so think about it." I laugh

"Carrie. I adore horror movies, the poltergeist is a good one too. The shining... god there's so many. I also love the classics though, Pretty in pink, 16 candles, pretty woman, they're all great." It sounds stupid but i genuinely love how excited she gets when she speaks about things she's passionate about

"I've never seen carrie, we'll have to watch it some time." I smile and her face lights up

"We will." She smiles, "Next question."

"Favorite deserts?" If i'm taking her on a date I have to know what she likes

"Chocolate. I love chocolate. Dark chocolate is the best though, but only the kind that costs a bit more. Like the truffles and stuff, Milk chocolate is good too. I like certain brands, but dark chocolate is the best kind. I also like lemon flavored anything." She rambles

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