14: Flames

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Saffrons POV

It's been about an hour since we've eaten. We split from the rest of the group and are now headed towards the shopping area.

"I don't want to scare you, but maybe keep an eye out. I cant tell what, but something feels off." Jotaro says calmly as his eyes scan the area

"I was thinking the same thing. It feels like we're being watched." I agree and pull my phone out

"Keep your eyes open, something feels strange." I make a group text and send it

"We've already grouped up, headed to find you for that same reason." Liz texts back

"They're all on their way here." I let JoJo know and he nods

"Act normal though, it could be nothing. It could be someone thinking the same about us." Jotaro grabs my hand and quickly leads me to a store

Shit, if being in danger gets me to hand holding then come one, come all.

"Hey." Liz says softly as she and the rest come up behind us

"There's uh, there's a lot of smoke coming out of that alleyway, sir." Koichi points out the ally across the street to Joseph

"You think that's where they're hiding?" I ask and look to Liz

"Hold on." She grabs my hand and takes a breath

"I cant hear perfectly, it's muffled by something... There however is definitely someone with a stand in the smoke. I just... I'm sorry but either his guard is too high or the smoke is too thick because i'm only getting bits and pieces." Liz apologizes

"No it's okay, at least we know where he is." Josuke reassures her

"I'll look." Joseph starts to walk towards the smoke

"Not alone." Jotaro starts to go but I dont let go of his hand

"Let me." I offer

"What? No, stay here." He looks at me like i'm insane

"I can heal, I can do a hell of a lot more than you. Respectfully of course. It's safer if you stay, It's safer for you both to stay." I try to convince them

"Nonsense, you stay here. Protect my wife, my boy and your friends. Jotaro and I haven't met our match yet, I doubt this is him." Joseph tells me to stay

"Just be careful, please." They nod and walk away

They approach the alley, as they do it's as though the smoke grows. It takes seconds for the fire to show, flames bursting from every direction imaginable. You can't see much, but there's definitely a man standing in the middle of them.

"Are those real flames?" Suzi asks, her eyes wide

"Yeah, they are." Josuke answers, not looking away from the flames

Jotaro and Joseph both have their stands out, but how do they fight fire?

"We aren't here to hurt you, recall your stand!" Joseph calls out

"Or what?" A voice calls out

Within seconds Joseph is engulfed with the flames, it's like it somehow sucked him in.

"Old man!" Jotaro calls out and starts throwing punches with Star Platinum, practically running into the fire.

"No!" Suzi screams as she see's what's happening

"Shit!" Josuke yells and makes a run towards them

"Stay." I throw vines out to grab him and pull him back

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