9: Well, um.

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Saffrons POV

It's been such an interesting few days, i've learned so much about myself and the others like me. I didn't even know that there were others like me, yet here i am standing in a room full of people with similar abilities. A house full of people who have learned their strengths and weaknesses, men who have fought for their lives using these powers. Men who have lost so many close friends because of it, because of my bloodline. I'm quite literally surrounded by men who are willing to risk their lives to make sure I'm okay and can make it to meet my brother, yet all I can think about is Jotaro and how stupid his big ass is.

I pace annoyed in the dining room as I think to myself when someone knock on the door frame.

"Can we talk?" It's Jotaro, he seems off

"What" I ask blankly as he walks towards me

"I wanted to apologize." He begins to speak, before continuing though he pulls a chair out for me to sit on and another one facing it for him

"Thank you." I sit

"Anyway, I uh, I wanted to apologize. I truly didn't realize that you were being anything besides polite. I should have, though. Liz and the guys pulled me aside just now and explained it all to me, apparently I have been a complete oblivious asshole. It shouldn't have taken them explaining it step by step for me to understand, it definitely shouldn't have taken them explaining it like that for me to understand my own feeling's as well. I've explained before, I've never had any interest in anyone. Of course there's the normal acknowledgment of attractiveness but it's never gone beyond that. Having them explain how you've been receiving me along with the things you've done that i've ignored made me realize that I think I also feel the same way. It's new though, so i'm unsure. I however would like this to be acknowledged, and for you to know that I now understand what has been happening and how you feel." He's awkward as he speaks, I've yet to see him at all flustered with anything.

Every interaction i've had with this man or have seen him have, he's been nothing but confident and assured within himself and the situation. It's kind of sweet seeing him in a different light.

"It took you long enough." I smile and you can just see the relief take over

"So we're okay?" He asks worriedly

"Yes, Jotaro. We're okay... but If you chose to expand on this and explore your feelings, please be kind about it. It's more than okay not to feel the same way, even if it takes a bit of discovery, I won't take it personally. Just remember to be nice. You have a habit of going cold and cruel when you're frustrated or at all bothered and if you treat me at all like that, i'll have to kill you." I shrug and his eyes widen

"Understood." He nervously laughs

"See how easy that was?" Josuke says cockily from the doorway

"You nosey fucks." I laugh as Josuke, Koichi, Okuyasu, and Liz all pile in

"I told you so!" Joseph yells from the other room

"Shut up, gramps!" Jotaro yells back

"I can hear you now, remember! Don't make me kick your ass!" Joseph yells back

"Do it then!" Jotaro yells back

"Let's not." Josuke laughs at them

"You've seriously never dated anyone before? Every?" Okuyasu asks

"Yeah." Jotaro shrugs

"How about you?" Okuyasu continues to be nosey

"I've been on plenty of dates." I laugh

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