4: Chit chat

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        Once we managed to calm the girls we quickly rush them to where no one can hear or see us. The absolute middle of the huge quart yard.

"Can someone please explain this to me?" Saffron pleads.

"Something is better than nothing. Seriously, I am freaked!" Liz understandably is more freaked out than anyone

"Saffron, how long have you had your stand?" I ask calmly. Her eyebrows furrow.

"The power you used, it's called a Stand. How long?" I ask again and she just shakes her head and sits down.

"I've always had a green thumb. I could grow anything, even from a dead seed. So... forever i guess? I saw it, her, for the first time when i was about 10 though. I uh... I had a foster home that wasn't homey at all. One night the man, he uh, he came into my room. As soon as he put his hands on me it was like a reflex, like my subconscious did it. She appeared and wrapped his hands in rose stems. They sent me back the next morning... I don't even remember making her do it." She explains, quietly as she plays with the grass beneath her

"You seem to have a pretty good grasp when it comes to controlling her, have you been practicing since then?" She just silently nods.

"What are your abilities?" I question and she looks at me with tired, sad, green eyes.

"Did my father have the same thing?" She asks, as though she fears the answer.

"He had a stand, yes. I'm curious as to what yours can do. I know exactly what your fathers did, as i can do it myself." I explain and her brow furrows again.

"What?" She asks in disbelief.

"Please, tell me about your stand and I swear i will explain anything and everything I can." I sit next to her and she takes a deep breath.

"My stand, I call her Earth Stone. I can grow plants, obviously. Anything i want and as big as I please. I can also turn inanimate objects into living organisms. I've learned I can heal, I'm unsure of how but I can. I mean hell, healing is an understatement. I can take the dead and make them living again, just as new if I so please to. It takes a lot of energy though.... It works no problem though. I've had the same hamster for 8 years. I uh, I can also take that life back as easily as I can give it. Only to those I give it to though. So far that's it..." She trails off as she aggressively runs her hands through her hair

"Your healing, you can do that using the same abilities you have to turn non life giving things into living organisms. You turn the damage into working living cells again." Koichi explains

"How do you know that?" She asks, he quickly looks to me

"It's my turn to explain." I sigh

"Go for it." She lays back on the ground

"Your father. His name was Dio borneo, my family knew him well. He killed my great - great grandfather, and I returned the favor and killed him around ten years ago." I start and she just mutters.

"No, he died when I was just born." She thinks she's correcting me

"No, Saffron. He died when you were around 15. I killed him when I was 17. In the process he almost killed the old man, Josuke father. He took the life of many good friends of mine. Friends who will forever have my respect, they put their lives on the line to stop the man who was so easily willing to take theirs from them. From that fight, seven of us went in. My mother already ill and fighting for her life. Four of us made it out alive. Joseph, Polneraff, My mother, and Myself. Your father, back in 1880 was adopted by my great - great grandfather's family." She cut's me off again.

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